Dr. Mayank Kumar

PhD IIM Trichy

Faculty of Business Analytics

School of Management and Entrepreneurship

IIT Jodhpur


Email: mayankkumar@iitj.ac.in
Phone: +91-291-280-1804


ICIS 2018 Doctoral Consortium, Pacific Grove, USA (Among the 40 students selected from a global pool of candidates)

UGC-Junior Research Fellowship (in Management), June 2013, University Grant Commission, India

Associations for Information Systems Grant for Conference Registration, ICIS-2016, Dublin, Ireland

Best Paper Award, “MARK-IT”, The Marketing Conclave, September 2013, LIBA, Chennai

Dr. Kumar obtained his PhD from IIM Trichy. His doctoral thesis, broadly focused on Health IT, was an interdisciplinary study carried out on the interface of Information Systems, healthcare, and Sociology. His research interests lie on the social issues of Information Systems, and he employs diverse methodological and theoretical approaches in his research inquiries. Mayank’s teaching interests are in the use of Analytics in Marketing such as Digital Marketing, Web Analytics, Social Media Analytics and E-Commerce, and the emerging advanced analytics courses such as Deep Learning, Data Visualization, and Artificial Intelligence. His research articles have appeared in several leading journals including International Journal of Information Management and Journal of Knowledge Management. He has also presented papers at several leading conferences including International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS) and Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS). During his PhD at IIM Trichy, he was also invited to attend the prestigious ICIS doctoral consortium 2018 held in San Francisco, USA (among the 40 candidates selected from the global pool of applicants).

Research Interests


Practice Theory


Sociological Perspectives on Information Technology

Healthcare Analytics

Smart Healthcare

Teaching Interests

Digital Economy

Digital Entreprise

Web and Digital Marketing Analytics

Social Media Analytics

Data Visualization

Internet of Things: Roadmap to a connected world



          • Singh, J. B., Chandwani, R., & Kumar, M. (2018). Factors affecting Web 2.0 adoption: exploring the knowledge sharing and knowledge seeking aspects in health care professionals. Journal of Knowledge Management, 22(1), 21-43.

          • Kumar, M., Singh, J. B., Chandwani, R., & Gupta, A. (2020). “Context” in healthcare information technology resistance: A systematic review of extant literature and agenda for future research. International Journal of Information Management, 51, 102044


  • Kumar, M. (2018). Resistance to Healthcare Information Technology: A Social Practice Perspective. Doctoral Consortium, International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), Pacific Grove, USA.

  • Kumar, M. (2017). A Discursive Perspective on the Organizational Field Formation Process: Issues of Information Technology in Indian Healthcare. Proceedings of the 55th ACM SIGMIS Computers and People Research (SIGMIS CPR), IIM Bangalore, India.

  • Kumar, M. & Singh, JB. (2016). Examining Technology Resistance: A Cognitive Load Perspective. Proceedings of the Twenty-second Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS), San Diego, USA.

  • Kumar, M. & De’, R. (2016). Can E-government give Voice to Citizens? An empirical examination of the “Jaankari” Project. Electronic Government and Electronic Participation: Joint Proceedings of Ongoing Research, PhD Papers, Posters and Workshops of Dual IFIP EGOV-ePart conference, Guimaraes, Portugal, HJ Scholl, O Glassey & M Janssen (Eds), IOS Press, 23, 233-240.

  • Kumar, M. & Singh, JB. (2016). Multi-Level Perspective on User Resistance of Health Information Technology: A Conceptual Model. Pre-ICIS Special Interest Group-Health (SIGHealth) workshop, Dublin, Ireland.