Year 1 Report

Written by: Riveea Satkunaratnam and Jenna Bang

Hello from the class of 2023 - a close-knit group of 58 students bringing a diversity of academic backgrounds, life experiences, and fresh perspectives! However, we do share a few commonalities besides a healthy fear of owls and a newfound appreciation for the art of crafting the perfect SOAP note.

While drawn to this field for a range of reasons, a few shared themes emerge: a desire to meaningfully impact lives by empowering communication; personal experiences with an SLP; and for a handful, an enthusiasm for research. Whatever the reason, we’re glad each and every one of us made it here! Before embarking on this career, we had no clue where our paths would lead. So we asked our peers, what was your childhood dream career? The responses were vast, and in many cases unexpected. While top contenders were teacher, writer, and doctor, notable mentions include aspiring astronauts, fashion designers, and firefighters! As for future aspirations, most of us are keeping an open mind for populations we’d like to work with. While many of us are waiting patiently to gain further insight through clinical  placements, there’s an even split of interest between working with children and adults, and a few with a passion for supporting Indigenous communities.  

Since beginning this program, we’ve been bombarded (and not just auditorily) with new information about the profession. What’s surprised our class is the diversity, breadth, and complexity of this ever-evolving field (plus the amount of paperwork)! But what we’ve truly loved has been the opportunity to connect with one another, whether in study groups, fun outings, in-person classes, or the much-loved audiology week organized by Jo. Trivia and game nights were also favourites, along with meme-sharing (i.e., positive reinforcement offered by Aravind, along with disco lights). 

As I’m sure you’re painfully aware, we’ve been learning through a remote format, and by this point (ending year 2 of the pandemic!), we’ve all had to adjust to a new normal. We thought you might be interested in (and possibly benefit from) the tips we’ve used to stay sane throughout the chaos! Exercise, movies, and quality time with family, friends, and pets were among the top choices. And one point we’re sure resonates with us all: “knowing I don't have to go into the snow”.  

Since we’re entering our first placement, we asked our classmates to consider what is the most useful information they’ve learned that they will carry forward with them. With no shortage of advice to be shared, we thought we’d leave you with these comforting words to hold onto during difficult times: “Don’t let one mistake define who you are”. Despite the virtual nature of our time, we’ve had many opportunities to collaborate and make great memories! One project that has brought the class together was the “Class of 2023” video. We hope you enjoy watching it as much as we enjoyed making it! We’ve loved getting to know each other, and are looking forward to joining your community and learning from your experiences!