Year 1 Report

Written by: Julia Petrosov

Greetings from the UofT SLP Class of 2025!
We are thrilled to officially introduce ourselves and share a glimpse of our journey through the program. As a class of 59, each student has made 58 new incredible and lifelong connections who support one another through this program. The realization that we are two years away from becoming practicing clinicians just sunk in and suddenly it has turned into a year and a half.

We’ve had so many great experiences throughout the program so far, including memorable social events like board game night and creating our UofT SLP parody video, which we invite you to watch. We hope you enjoy watching it as much as we enjoyed making it:

Reflecting on our experience, our cohort agrees that it has been intense and challenging but ultimately transformative, rewarding, and an experience for growth. As our first placement approaches, we are excited to have received our first matches. With all students being placed in one of their top ten choices, we are eager to enter this new stage of our education and discover and learn from the opportunities it brings. 

A heartfelt thank you goes out to our dedicated faculty for supporting our learning and making our experience just s-peachy. Until next year! 


UofT SLP Class of 2025