Narratives & Stories

Stories are what bind us together.

If you have personal stories and anecdotes to share with us, please contact us at

We also welcome collaboration such as translation projects, field notes, audios/podcasts, and others. For collaboration, please contact us at and

Currently, we are collaborating with three groups:

  • China Against Racist Virus group: you can find them at Instagram and Facebook

  • unCoVer翻译计划|疫中人: you can find their call for contribution here. Here are their website and their Facebook page.

  • “未被记录的Ta们”: you can find them here.

  • Coronavirus Diaries Overseas|海外中国人的疫情日记: you can find the link here.

And we thank SupChina for allowing us to share the "One Thousand Families" story in this section.

Disclaimer: the following content is neither collected nor translated by Sinophobia Tracker. Those personal narratives and anecdotes are shared by our collaborators listed below.

An anti-racism campaign against discriminations towards Chinese and East and South-East Asians, particularly triggered by the Coronavirus epidemic.

This group collected and translated the following stories.

Wuhan stories 武汉故事

Wuhan Stories (1) 武汉故事 (一)

Link to Instagram post

This is a series of stories of common people living in Wuhan---a city suffers most from the outbreak of the novel coronavirus. Participants in our group translated these stories into English. We hope this will help people understand more about what is happening to common people in China.

Credit to Weibo user @卖大叔的白菜 on Feb 4th, 2020

A 90-year-old woman left an elegantly hand-written note for her 64-year-old son who is infected with the Novel Coronavirus and is now hospitalised and quarantined. ‘My son,

Keep faith, stay strong and defeat the disease.

Follow doctors’ treatment and advice. (I know) it is uncomfortable to wear a respirator, but endure it for now as it will make it easier to cough up.

If the blood pressure is normal, ask the doctor to help you to put on the nasal cannula.

I forgot to bring cash today, but I’ve borrowed 500 yuan from Dr Wang.

You can ask people to buy some essentials for you.’ The old lady had stayed in the emergency room for four days to look after her son. She had barely any sleep and ate only instant noodles those few days. The doctors were very sympathetic and promised that her son would have priority once there is an available bed. After her son was hospitalised, she queued for a whole night to get a CT scan for herself. After a restless night, she immediately went and waited outside of her son’s quarantine room, although she couldn’t even see him through the secured doors. She asked the nurse to pass her words to her son, encouraging him to stay strong. At the end of a day she could not even go home by herself: she didn’t have any close relatives in the city and the public transportation was suspended. Fortunately, the friend of the Weibo user@卖大叔的白菜offered to give the old lady a lift back home. After the old lady arrived home, she insisted on paying 100 yuan for the ride as a way to say thank you.

The good news is the CT scan of the old lady currently shows no sign of infection.

However, her son’s condition is now critical.

"unCoVer" is a collaborative translation initiative that aims to amplify the voices of those in China affected by the 2019 nCoV outbreak by translating their stories.

This group collected and translated the following stories.

ISSUE 1 | A Father’s Diary in the Wake of Huanggang’s Lockdown

Jan 26, 2020

Second Day of the Lunar New Year


Though I read three days ago that services at the county (see endnote 1) bus station would be suspended, I didn’t feel trapped. It’s probably because I spent most of last year in a state of isolation anyways, doing some writing and translation at home. Besides, I wasn’t expected to go back to work right after the Lunar New Year holiday.

I heard from my cousin yesterday that people in his village were already initiating a roadblock, and that a lot of other villages are organizing roadblocks as well. In our village’s WeChat group, a few are questioning why we are not doing the same, while some claimed that the road to the county was already blocked. It was not until then that I got nervous. When we got back to the village from the county for the Lunar New Year, my wife and I had only planned to stay till the third day after New Year’s Eve. We didn’t bring enough diapers and milk powder for the baby, and the shops in the county remain closed. We decided to return to the county one day earlier than planned, and we hastily packed and got in our neighbor’s van.

If you want to read more about the story, please visit:

The “One Thousand Families” series, featuring portraits of Chinese families, tries to capture a sense of how people are faring during the COVID-19 epidemic. In the eyes of the masked subjects, we see boredom, resilience, anxiety, love, anger, and humor.

“We stay in 24 hours a day,” says Luō Dàwèi 罗大卫 via telephone from his home in Tianjin. “You can’t go anywhere, you can’t even order things, as no one is delivering. The best word to describe life right now is imprisonment.”

Luo has, like many of his compatriots, endured a sobering Chinese New Year. Despite living more than a thousand kilometers from the COVID-19 epicenter in Wuhan, he complains, “My district is the most seriously affected in the Tianjin Municipality.”

But being stuck at home doesn’t mean he hasn’t kept busy.

Since 2017, Luo has run Fēngmiàn 风面, an innovative online contemporary photography platform that boasts more than 63,000 online subscribers. The platform is currently hosting one of its most impactful projects to date, called “One Thousand Families,” featuring portraits of Chinese families affected — either directly or indirectly — by the coronavirus.

The idea for One Thousand Families (“1000个家庭” gè jiātíng) came from photographer Wú Guóyǒng 吴国勇, whose career Fengmian helped launch. His photographic series No Place, To Place, about the environmental fallout of China’s share-bike boom and bust, has been exhibited globally, including at major festivals in China and galleries in Russia, France, and Cambodia.

Wu, who currently lives in Shenzhen, hails from Hubei Province, where COVID-19 emerged in late 2019. Of the 64,000-plus confirmed cases so far, more than 80 percent are from Hubei.

“I was at home in Xiangyang (in Hubei) for (Chinese) New Year when the crisis really began,” Wu says. “I’d planned to stay some weeks but my relatives urged me to leave before it was too late. I drove back to Shenzhen and it rained the whole way, dousing all the New Year’s firecrackers. It was a somber trip. When we got back to Shenzhen, the local public security bureau told us we had to stay at home. Because I’m from Hubei, they’ve been checking up on me daily.”

It was while quarantined at home that Wu’s creative gears started turning.

“I began to think about the national mood, which is awful,” he says. “The news is terrifying. Everyone is stuck at home, frustrated. Then I thought: maybe we could all do something creative together. As it is traditional to take a family portrait over Chinese New Year, I wondered if everyone could use photography to document the New Year of the virus. But I needed to figure out how to reach a lot of people.”

Wu got in touch with Luo Dawei.

“Wu is an artist sensitive to the human struggle,” Luo says. “He told me his idea, which I meditated on for a day. I decided to work with him. We advertised on Fengmian to all our followers asking them to photograph how their New Year was playing out in either official or unofficial quarantine.”

The feedback they got exceeded their expectations.

Wu explains: “We launched on January 30 and we quickly started to receive a lot of photos. We picked the best ones and posted them online.” This caught the attention of China’s largest internet company: Tencent shared the project on its platform. More than 16,000 people have contributed to the collection so far, Wu says.

“We were really touched by the response,” says Luo. “And we began to think about an exhibition, when this crisis is over. We decided we should get our artist friends to get involved as well. We reached out to them and they responded, too, providing us with nuanced, critical, or even abstract images. They took the project to the next level.”

Among those who have contributed include Lǚ Tíngchuān 吕廷川, Zhāng Xiǎowǔ 张晓武, Wáng Xiàngyáng 王向阳, Liú Shūtóng 刘书彤, Lǐ Lín 李林, Luō Jīnqiàn 罗金倩, Qián Hǎifēng 钱海峰, and Coca Dai (戴建勇 Dài Jiànyǒng).

The diversity of images is quite extraordinary, given the topic. Both amateur and professional photographers have endeavored to capture the boredom, isolation, worry, and camaraderie that they’re experiencing.

As the audience, we see relatives peering over masks towards the camera lens, their eyes emitting a catalogue of emotions ranging from anxiety to melancholy to stoicism and resolve. We bear witness to intimate moments of caring as well as humor as people make light of the absurdity of their situation.

While some photographers employ the camera to criticize authorities, others try to capture the tender, hidden aspects of their lives, currently lived under the world’s largest-ever quarantine.

“You know jiā (家) means family and home in Chinese,” Wu explains. “Chinese New Year is the one time both jia’s come together as one. This virus has struck at the heart of our culture. We wanted to show what that meant from the inside out.”

Below are a selection of photos from the series — all captions were originally written by the person who sent the original photography, which we have translated from Chinese.

If you want to read more about the story, please visit supchina.

“The Unrecorded” team of volunteers are currently collecting cases of those who were suspected to have contracted COVID-19, and passed away without being officially recorded as the casualties of this pandemic. If you are aware of any such cases, please fill in this form ( or passed the form onto those who have the relevant information. The dead should not be forgotten.




讲述者:逝者儿子 惠先生












If you want to read more about the story, please visit here.

Archives and publishes coronavirus diaries written by Chinese diaspora. We invite everyone to document your daily lives, to jog down your personal thoughts and observations under this global crisis. If you would like to contribute to this project, feel free to contact We will send the tutorial to you.




If you want to read more about the story, please visit here.