Hello and welcome to r/SimDemocracy's New User Guide. Here you'll find all the information you'll need to get started on you're way to forging your own path in SimDem.

Our subreddit is a very complicated place, so we have made this Guide to help you. Be sure to read the "Who are we?" section below.

Also, please join our Discord, this is where a lot of our activities occur.

Who are we?

r/SimDemocracy is a unique online community. We were founded as an experiment on democratic moderation; we want to show reddit, discord, and other social media platforms that communities can be run more efficiently if the people have a say in how the democracy is run. From there, we have expanded to become a community that simulates a democracy; we have a prime minister to run the place, a parliament to make community laws, a president to look pretty, and a judiciary to arbitrate disputes between users as well as judging crimes in the community.

We encourage you to go to the Government Page first.

Here is another SimDemocracy Guide that can be helpful.

Structure of SimDemocracy

The Government of r/SimDemocracy is split into 3 main branches:

  • Judicial Branch

  • Legislative Branch

  • Executive Branch

There are other government groups that are not a part of the 3 branches. Like the Election Commissioner and Supervisors which are responsible for maintaining a check on the other organs respectively.

SimDem also has our own economy with businesses and our own currency, called Tau.