
Luna's Extended Soundbank

I have created a patch that applies extended NInst12 to your ROM and adds the 10 instruments that are normally missing from extended NInst12. These are the following:

It also comes with a version that prepares your ROM to import wavs into NInst36.

You can find the files and instructions for this in the Hacking tips/Music resources page.

Hacking Tips

I have added a hacking tips section with a few resources to help people who are trying to make romhacks. There are two pages for now, but I may add more eventually if I feel like it:

"New" Playtesters page

Since hack creators seem to have been having trouble to find playtesters for their hacks as of lately, I have decided to make this page to allow people to volunteer for playtesting hacks.

I am hoping that this will make the learning curve for how to make good romhacks a lot smoother for everyone.

And yes, I forgot to post in updates again, silly me.

My Discord server is now public!

Feel free to join at https://discord.gg/w9aCXwsKH9 for support with anything I've made, or just to talk.

Project64 3.0.1-N-v3b update

Project64 3.0.1-N has been updated to v3c.
This updates pj64-wiiu-gcn to v1.0.0, which allows for custom button mappings, updates Luna's DirectInput8 to v1.0.3, which fixes some minor issues, and disables the dgVoodoo files by default due to their unstability.

Imagine remembering to actually post updates

I have created a new input plugin for keyboard that works around many bugs that LINK's DirectInput had and adds modifiers with different multipliers for X and Y axis, configurable via GUI. You can see more info about it on this page.

Additionally, Project64 3.0.1-N has been updated to v3a with the following changes:

Dissapointed but not surprised

Today I learned that Project64 1.6 does not support graphics LLE.

For this reason, downloads for Parallel and Angrylion plugins are no longer listed in the Project64 1.6 page.


KBDisplay has been added under the input display section of the Gameplay Tools page.
This is a tool that finally allows you to show your keyboard inputs on Linux even when the window isn't active!

Less importantly, the Windows download for Open Joystick Display is also linked now.

Project64 3.0.1-N-v3 update

Project64 3.0.1-N has been updated to v3, which makes plugins no longer reinitialize when resetting.
This not only makes loading savestates faster, but also fixes the dumb Discord bug that makes the emulator crash sometimes when you're screensharing using GLideN64.
Enjoy being able to screenshare suffering in kaizo while using good plugins!

Gameplay tools page

A new gameplay tools page has been added!
It contains links to many tools that will be useful for playing SM64 romhacks.
Feel free to check it out and download some of them!

Project64 3.0.1-N-v2c update

Project64 3.0.1-N has been updated to v2c, which updates ANGLE GLideN64 to v4.3.4.
This plugin update fixes a memory leak that hindered performance in DirectX and Vulkan, and uses OpenGL on Linux if DirectX is selected.

The speed problem with hacks that use frameskip patch has been removed from "Known issues", as it was found that it was a result of the emulator's intended behavior.
To play a hack with frameskip patch, set the "VI refresh rate" setting to 1500. Make sure to leave it at the default 2200 for any other hack though, as it will allow the emulated CPU to run faster, which reduces lag.

Project64 3.0.1-N-v2b bugfix

Project64 3.0.1-N has been updated to v2b, which fixes lag caused by Visual Studio cringe.

Project64 3.0.1-N-v2a bugfix

Project64 3.0.1-N has been updated to v2a with the following changes:

Additionally, download links will now lead to Github rather than Google Drive due to issues with the latter.

The first site updates!

A lot of changes have been made to the site to make things in this site work better: