Luna's DirectInput8

This is an input plugin designed for keyboard players, made to work around the previously used plugin's issues, closed source and lack of mainteinance.

This plugin will NOT work on controller. If you're playing on controller, follow the Plugin Guide to choose a more appropriate one.

You can download the plugin by clicking the icon on the left. Read the info below if you need help setting it up.

(Current version: Luna's DirectInput8 v1.0.3).

Thanks to wermi for her massive help with pretty much everything related to making the plugin.
Thanks to SodiumChlorideLogic for explaining C related stuff like typedefs and casts.

For any questions or issues, message @lunaticshin3 on Discord.


Keybinds are the first thing anyone may look for in an input plugin config, as they represent which key on your keyboard corresponds to each in-game input.

To set one, just click on the button labelled by the input you want to assign, then press the key that you want to map to that button within 5 seconds.
For example, to assign your spacebar to the in-game Z trigger, click the button labelled by "Z Trig" and then press your keyboard's spacebar.

Analog Stick Ranges

A range is the in-game analog stick magnitude that results from pressing a key mapped to the analog stick.
Lower range is equivalent to pushing the analog stick more lightly (ie. Mario walks slower), while higher range does the opposite.

This plugin will allow you to change the ranges for X and Y axis separately, as well as the range for cardinal and diagonal directions. However, if you don't know what you're doing, it's recommended to keep the default values.

Remember that X means left/right and Y means up/down. I know it sounds trivial but I brainfarted on this enough times while testing that it's probably best to explain it here.

Analog stick magnitude is a signed byte, and therefore range cannot be set higher than 127.


A modifier is a key that you can hold to quickly modify your analog stick range during gameplay.

The 3 modifiers included by default highlight different uses of this, aka slow walking, and holding angles outside of the usual 8 directions.
As such, left shift is mapped to slow walk, spacebar is mapped to 30º angle, and V is mapped to 60º (more on this later).

This plugin allows you to have up to 50 modifiers... Not that I expect anyone to use them.

To select the modifier you want to edit, click on its row of the modifiers table. After that, you can use the boxes to the left of the table to set the modifier's values.

"Key" is the key that you'd like to assign to the current modifier, and is set the same way as the keybinds.

"X" and "Y" are the decimal values that your X and Y ranges will be multiplied by when you hold the modifier key.
For example, if you hold a modifier key of X=0.2 with a cardinal X range of 126, the resulting stick magnitude will be 126*0.2=25.

If you want your modifier to give you a specific angle, do the following:
If the angle is lower than 45º (from horizontal):
X = 1
Y = tan(angle)
If the angle is higher than 45º:
X = tan(90-angle)
Y = 1
If you understand it that's cool, otherwise you can just copy that into a calculator.

When you're done editing these values, click "+" to add your modifier.

To unmap a modifier, select a modifier on the table as described above and click the "-" button.

Restore Defaults

Clicking this button will restore all your settings to the ones included by default with the plugin.
For reference, the default settings are the following:

Analog stick ranges:



The defaults for modifiers 1 and 2 are based on an outdated (aka me being dumb) method of calculation that used sin and cos for both components. They will be fixed in a future update.
The new defaults will be: