
Here, I describe my various internship experiences!

D.E. Shaw & Co: May 2020 - July 2020

I had the opportunity to work at DE Shaw & Co, Hyderabad as a full-stack engineering intern in the summer of 2020. Due to the pandemic, this was the first entirely virtual Summer Internship Program at the firm! I worked on a tool to track "Convertible Bond Delta Neutral Profit and Loss." I used Python for the backend and JavaScript for the frontend, picking up some tools such as React-Redux and Sagas along the way. Despite being virtual, this internship was enjoyable and exciting work! I was offered a full-time job at the firm for my performance in this period.

EPFL, Switzerland: May 2019 - July 2019

In 2019, I worked as a research intern at EPFL, Switzerland, in the Theory of Computation Lab under Professor Michael Kapralov. Being one of my first research internships, this led to my exposure to the world of theoretical CS research. My work was in sublinear-time algorithms; specifically, I implemented this paper from STOC 2017 with reasonable success. I wrote about my EPFL experience in some detail in this informal blogpost by Insight, IIT Bombay.

IIT Bombay: December 2018 - December 2019

In the winter of 2018, I started working under Professor V.M Gadre's research group at IIT Bombay as a research intern. This association continued into the next semester, where I took a credited course under him, and I went on to publish two papers with the group, which can be found here and here. The work was mainly in Signal Processing and got me interested in the related mathematical areas. Near the end of my credited course, I also gave a short presentation to a panel to present my work - slides are here (These do not include significant contributions made subsequently).