Since the summer of 2018, I've become a big competitive programming enthusiast, participating in a lot of competitions in my free time! Here is a list of competitions I've done decently well in over the years, and some problems that I've set that might be interesting to you :)

Problem Setting

Being a problem setter is one of the most enjoyable things to me personally. Watching tens of thousands of people attempt your problem, spend significant time thinking about the solution, before finally getting the critical idea and solving it - that rush is irreplaceable.

1) I was a co-setter of Codeforces Round #646; my problem was problem C. I also had a lot of fun writing the editorial for the contest (I included memes for every problem!). I believe this is one of the most upvoted rounds in Codeforces history :)

2) I wrote a problem for IOITC, which featured in TSTs Day 3 (the Indian selection tests for the Informatics Olympiad team). You can find a pdf version here.

(Fun fact: Originally, I set it with the larger constraint of k = 1e9, but due to IOI syllabus restrictions this version could not appear.)

3) I have had multiple problems feature in HackerEarth in the previous year: they can be found here: problem1, problem2, problem3.

4) I set a problem for the Codechef January Lunchtime - view it here

I have more problems upcoming soon in various rounds, so stay tuned!

(Image from

Inter-Collegiate Programming Contest (ICPC)

ICPC has been one of the main motivators to me in my competitive programming career! As such, here is a list of how our team, BhagwanBharose (me, Tushar Gautam and Shriram Lokhande) have performed on the ICPC so far, in reverse chronological order. My ICPC profile can be found here. We'll be going to the ICPC World Finals 2020 in Russia!

1) 8th place, Asia West Finals 2020 at Kolkata

2) 1st place onsite, 10th place in pre-qualifier at Amritapuri Regionals 2019

3) 3rd place onsite, 4th place in pre-qualifier at Kharagpur Regionals 2019

4) 24th place onsite, 61st place in pre-qualifier at Amritapuri Regionals 2018

Other competitions

My good performances from participation in other major competitions include, in reverse chronological order:

1) Google Codejam 2021 - about top 250 in Round 3

2) Facebook Hacker Cup - R2 448th in 2019, R1 99th, R2 448th in 2020

3) Google Codejam 2020 - 175th in Round 1A, 4th in India

4) Reply Code Challenge 2020, Standard Edition - 40th place globally

5) Ranked top 300 in Google Hashcode 2019, 2020

6) Google Codejam 2019 - 739th in Round 1, 517th globally and 6th in India in Round 2

(Image from