Hi, I'm Shubham Anand Jain!

I'm a programming enthusiast from Mumbai, the city of dreams.

I'm a first year MSCS student at Stanford, specializing in AI. Previously, I was an Electrical Engineering undergraduate studying at the Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay.

In my free time, I enjoy competitive programming, watching anime, and playing sports - my favorites being badminton and chess. More recently, I've been getting into piano and social dance!


1 February 2022

  • Quick update: our paper "PAC Mode Estimation using PPR Martingale Confidence Sequences" is accepted to AISTATS 2022!

15 October 2021

  • My new 3-member team, after a disappointing performance at the ICPC Amritapuri Regionals (11th nationally), won the Indian Pune-Gwalior ICPC Regionals! This means I'll also be heading to the 2021 ICPC World Finals, to be held in Bangladesh in late 2022. :)

  • Our NeurIPS submission was rejected with scores 7/6/6/5. Disappointments occur - time to focus on the constructive criticism and look forward! :)

  • I participated at the ICPC World Finals 2020 in Russia held from 1-6 October 2021. It was an exciting experience, though there were scares. One of my teammates was unable to participate due to a positive COVID test in Russia; our 2-member team ended up placing 33rd in the world, the best performance from IIT Bombay till date. We'll be back stronger next year!

20 July 2021

  • Our paper "Sequential Community Mode Estimation" was accepted to Performance 2021! Thanks to my guides Professors Nikhil Karamchandani and Jayakrishnan Nair from IIT Bombay. This content of this paper was from my Bachelor's thesis. It will be printed in a special issue of the journal Performance Evaluation.

13 July 2021

  • The Indian team at IOI ended up with 2 silver medals, and 1 bronze! Congrats to them!

  • Tested Codeforces Round 732. The difficulty curve was definitely a bit steep, but the problems were very interesting!

  • Updated my blog with some memories of our ICPC journey. Find more details here! I've always enjoyed reading such blogs, so I decided it was time to write some myself :)

  • Ranked about 250th globally in Google Codejam Round 3! (The penultimate round; the final round is top 25 in the world).

  • Invited to TCO 21 (Topcoder Open) Southern Asia Regionals! Will be participating in select events from August 2-8 virtually! See the schedule here :)

30 May 2021

  • Finally finished my graduation requirements - will be graduating with a BTech in Electrical Engineering and a double minor in Computer Science and Data Science!

  • Submitted a couple of papers, both being my first primary author submissions - one to NeurIPS 2021, and one to IFIP Performance! Excited for reviews :)

  • IOITC selections are finally over! I set a problem for the TSTs this year as well, which may or may not appear in a future Codechef round.

  • Gave an interview about my journey in managing competitive programming along with academics and research here.

10 April 2021

  • I finally got back all my application results for grad school. After some consideration, I've decided to opt for an MSCS at Stanford! :)

  • I tested both the March Lunchtime and the April Long Challenge for Codechef! Also set a problem for the Long Challenge here.

  • Launched the Goal ICPC Project to increase the strength of institute teams that participate in ICPC.

  • I spent a couple of days reading an interesting paper titled "Instance-Dependent Complexity of Contextual Bandits and Reinforcement Learning: A Disagreement-Based Perspective" by DJ Foster, et al. and wrote a review that is available here.

7 March 2021

7 February 2021

6 February 2021

  • This semester, after a lot of deliberation I decided to take a slight increased number of credits to complete a double minor in Computer Science and Data Science, along with my major in Electrical Engineering. Wish me luck! (Accordingly, I've also updated my CV with the courses I've taken)

  • Had my first problem on Codechef appear! You can find it here - https://www.codechef.com/LTIME92A/problems/DREDIV

  • I took a session on Competitive Programming for IITB students. The participation was great, with over 250 people tuning in! It was recorded and is available here to watch - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HwpUQLKPAhg

Get in touch at shubhamjainiitb at gmail