The Paper

·         “The Paper” was a limited run paper from Norfolk in the year 1981 for the city’s LGBT community. While a small run paper, it did lay out major events going on for the LGBT communities during the year it ran each month. Notable was much more of the paper’s limited space being taken up for advertising; this was a mix, similarly to Our Own, of local gay and lesbian bars, bookshops, events, and so on, with a mix of general advertising.

·         Of the editions that are available each range from about ten to twelve pages long, with one to two pages of full ad space. Compared to editions of Our Own at the time, “the Paper” contained many more national stories and editorial style columns.

·         In addition, “The Paper” focused far more on topics related to national issues than just local concerns.

o    It is described itself in one advert, “the Paper takes a fresh approach, combining the latest local and national news with features, reviews, and humor.”[i]

·         While little exists record wise of “the Paper” existing, there are digital scans of issues from 1981 still available. Issues did not contain an exact publishing address, nor was any staff ever mentioned for articles, columns, or editing; the first issue did contain a “Word from the Publisher” column, attributed to a Gary Hankins who was formerly an editor for Our Own.

o   Of note, however, was this paper did feature a P.O. Box for readers to submit opinions, classifieds, subscription requests, and so on.

o   Adverts were along the same lines of the other LGBT publication in Norfolk at the time, Our Own. A Mix of bars, clubs, and local businesses were presented on the pages of “The Paper”. Additionally, issues contained subscription notices for other popular LGBT publication at the time, such as “The Blade”.

o   Of one other note regarding the publication; “the Paper” was a member of the Gay Press Association, showing there had been some effort to have the paper nationally present.

·         What is available of “the Paper” can be found in Old Dominion University’s Digital Collections. Eight issues in total from February to October of 1981.











Name (Original) The Paper 

Address: P.O. Box 4, Norfolk, Virginia 23501

Name of Founder(s): Gary Hankins   

Date of Founded: 1981

Type of Entity: Newspaper




Major Keywords/Search Terms:

Gay activists; Gay community; Gay liberation movement; Gay rights; Lesbian activists.

Norfolk (Va.)—Newspapers;







1.    Sources in other institutions:


Old Dominion University –

The Paper (1981)






[i] The Paper, August 1981.