Next-Gen Computer Architecture

An online certificate course offered by the Department of CSE, IIT Hyderabad and sponsored by Intel.

Starting from February 2025.

Interested to know how a software executes on a processor? Want to know the internal design of a processor? Interested in pursuing an industry or research career in processor design?

We are happy to offer a certificate course (in online mode) on Computer Architecture, primarily sponsored by Intel with a very nominal fee from participants. This course is designed to introduce the basic concepts of computer architecture with practical exercises and prepare you for pursuing a career in the Computer Architecture field in industry, research labs, or academia. 

For more details click on this link.

Course Coordinators

     Assistant Professor, 

     Department of CSE, 

      IIT Hyderabad

      Home Page

Assistant Professor, 

Department of CSE, 

IIT Hyderabad

Home Page