Her (Adult)

The entire timeline of the story spans years, but this version of the character is the last to ever be seen. With that said, she is in most (if not all) of the series, and her physical appearance changed a few times throughout her life.

The turnaround (design) shown is her third\older\grown up form, most often referred to as "Her (Adult)". She still has but does not wear her white bra, as it's now nostalgic and symbolic for her. She is about 5' 9", now being slightly taller than Silhouette.

First and foremost, almost all characters in The Tragic Story of Silhouette presumably HAVE a name, but never reveal it. This is why the series refers to this character as "Her", sometimes even "Her (Adult)" to distinguish the ages\forms. The character (as well as other forms of her) originally began and still intends to be symbolic, being a "fill in the blank" of sorts for the reader's OWN perfect personal partner.

The brunette that finally realized she could be herself, accepted, and loved all at the same time is now seen as a grown adult. She has matted unkempt hair from living in the forest, and travels with a sometimes shadowy figure, (since it can now control the form). This older version of the once passive blonde girl now has incredible newfound strength, resilience, bravery, and determination. She's now taller than most other kids (even slightly over Silhouette), but still somewhat young. At this point, she's risen well above what she was, still acting as the perfect partner to Silhouette through possessing all the strengths he lacks. She still follows him in his mission to find his first love, though he now just wants to make sure she's alright. The reason for this is to find closure for himself, so he can rest at night knowing she's alive and well, as he doesn't even know if she IS alive, nor HAS he known for years.

While she's not excited about the thought of him finding his first love again, she has faith that he'll do whatever makes him happy, and even if he chooses his first love over her, she'll let it be, knowing that it's what he wanted (something not many would do). This is another influential scene toward the middle of the entire series\timeline, but it shows the newfound strength this girl has found. Besides her physique, she now has an incredibly strong mental, and the integrity to keep going no matter what. She will keep fighting until she takes her last breath, and will NEVER back down from a fight IF it involves a loved one, something her younger selves would never have done. She won't take harsh words from anyone since it brings back thoughts of her childhood in which she was cast aside at every opportunity, and might tend to start fights quicker than Silhouette. Though they still bathe, she finds no reason to try different hair styles or alter her physical appearance, mainly since she used to do that to try and fit in, and associates it with those traumas.

Unlike her past selves however, she feels a need to be a shoulder to lean on, specifically for Silhouette. While his mental health slowly improves, he NEVER shows the amount of improvement she does, and though his shadow form abilities give him physical strength greater than hers, she often has to be his mental and emotional support. She doesn't mind it though, attributed to the bond they share, and as such, likes to see him happy and overcome seemingly impossible feats. She will fight by his side in every battle if need be, but later cuddle with him under a tree, showing how she's become muscular and tough from the need to survive and constant fighting or lifting, but remains as sweet, caring, and kind as before. Her shirt and pants are torn from the combat history the two have under their belt, though it used to be whole and only ripped through traversing the sometimes thorny chaotic forest, as well as using said clothing as bandages or tools. Her hair can also serve this purpose, hence the reason she lets it grow to chest length. This ensures that she always has it if need be, but DOES cut it when it gets long enough to.

These articles of clothing and accessories are the same ones still worn from the day she followed Silhouette out of the facility, so naturally they're not the freshest, but one item she oddly holds onto but does NOT wear in this form is her white bra. To her, this item is symbolic as a constraint rather than an undergarment, where those that need to wear it are limited by the confines of the rules. The reason for this is that the kids at the facility didn't have other possessions besides required books, so the bra is technically the only item she owned, even if it no longer fits her. She keeps it around for this very nostalgic feeling, and gets upset if she thinks she lost it, as it also represents who she once was to her. Silhouette had a piece of his first love's shirt that served a similar purpose for him, but it was a reminder of her rather than a symbol of his past self. Both of these humans think greatly on the small things in life which most likely contributes to these feelings, but also shows how the past built them up, and how they might hate who they were or WHERE they were, but recognizes that it's a crucial part of who they are, and who they eventually go down in history as.

No Equipment
