
While we host official registration days at our first and second Troop meetings in August, you can join us at any time throughout the school year. 

Registration Process

1. Fill in the forms:

There are three documents to complete for the application: 

The application form can be found in the information below. After filling in the application you will need to use a credit card to pay the Council fees. For the annual health form and the release and privacy form, contact the troop registrar at

Link to online application for Troop 10B

Use the QR code or follow this link: 



2. Pay your troop dues:

Annual Fees are $385 SGD for new scouts (based on USD-SGD exchange rate at time of publishing). This is made up of two payments to BSA and Troop;

 A. $145 USD paid directly to the BSA with the online application. It covers the BSA Fees: Annual National Membership, Overseas Council, & New Scout. This pays for 365 days.

B. $188 SGD Scout Year Troop payment + one-off New Scout Fee of $35 SGD paid to the Troop 10 treasurer using the Troop 10 PayNow QR code or by contacting the Treasurer ( for bank transfer information. 

The membership dues include SSA registration, Handbook, Neckerchief + Slide, and shirt patches. It also includes the rank and merit badges, and awards Scouts earn in the year. The uniform is not included in dues. This pays for August to July (in line with the school year). Scouts joining in January to July will pay a half year of $94 + New Scout Fee $35 = $129 SGD

3. Get your uniforms:

The membership dues include the scarf, slide, and handbook. The uniform is not included in the dues. For the uniform, you will need blue or beige shorts and a beige scout shirt. You can either order the items online at the Boy Scouts of America online store or leave an order with us and we will try to get it to you next time someone visits the US. Ordering it through us will probably be around 20% more expensive, so if someone you know will be visiting the US, if may be cheaper and faster.