Lesson #1 - Giving Brings Joy

Watch and discuss a recording of the book The Quilt Maker's Gift:

Vocabulary: Pause and see if they can use inference clues to understand what the following words mean.

  • Abundant: Well supplied with something; more than adequate
  • Fetched: To go and bring back; return with; get
  • Gust: A sudden, strong blast of wind
  • Practical: Designed for actual use
  • Seize: To take possession by force or suddenly
  • Stashed: To put away for safekeeping or future use
  • Wailed: a sad or mournful cry.

Definitions from dictionary.com

Discussion Questions:

  • What did the king want at the beginning of the story? Did it make him happy?
  • How does the king react to being told, “no”, by the quilt maker?
  • Why do you think the quilt maker wants the king to give away his things?
  • Why do you think giving away his stuff made the king happier than receiving presents?
  • What did the king mean when he said that he was now richer after he gave away all his treasures?
  • What does the king learn by the end of the story?

Reflect on the story using one of the attached worksheets.

Click on the file to the right and print.

WRITING: Children or parents can do the writing depending on their age!


Choose an activity:

1. Go on a donation hunt!


Math Work Files.pdf

Choose a way to reflect on your service project.

1) Use one of the attached writing pages.

Print the pages below and consider stapling multiple pages together into a Service Project Reflection Journal to use over the next few days/weeks?? Here are some questions your can include in this reflection:

  • What did you do?
  • Who did you help?
  • How did it feel to give to others?
  • How were you like a character from the Quilt Maker's Gift?

2) Record a video of yourself talking about the service project.

Use the questions above as talking points! Send the video to a friend and encourage them to do the project too!
