Sílvia Moreira, M.Sc.

Sílvia Moreira, M.Sc.

PhD student

Supervision: Prof. Maria de Lourdes Pereira (DMS&CICECO-UA)
Co-supervision: Prof. Pedro F. Oliveira (QOPNA/LAQV-UA), Prof. Vicente Seco-Rovira (IMIB-Arrixaca-UM) 

ORCID: 0000-0003-3094-4486

Short Biography

Sílvia Moreira was conferred her first degree in Biology (2017) and her Master´s degree in Molecular and Cellular Biology (2019) at the University of Aveiro, Aveiro, Portugal. During her first degree she was part of the Erasmus+ Program (2016) at the Università degli Studi di Padova, Padova, Italy. Besides, she did a fourth year of internship (2016/17) at the Abel Salazar Institute of Biomedical Sciences (ICBAS), Porto, Portugal.

From the supervision team were part Prof. Dr. Paulo Correia-de-Sá and Dr. Isabel Silva as direct supervisors and Prof. Dr. Maria de Lourdes Pereira as university supervisor. From this internship resulted two scientific papers and a poster of which she is co-author. In 2018/19 she developed her Master´s thesis at the Netherlands Institute for Neuroscience (NIN), Amsterdam, The Netherlands, under the direct supervision of Prof. Dr. Ingo Willuhn and Dr. Rudolf Faust and Prof. Dr. Maria de Lourdes Pereira as university supervisor. A poster of which she is co-author resulted from this internship.

Currently, she is a PhD student of Biomedicine at the University of Aveiro. The supervision team includes Prof. Dr. Maria de Lourdes Pereira and Prof. Dr. Pedro F. Oliveira, from Aveiro University, and Prof. Dr. Vicente Seco-Rovira, from Murcia University.


4. Aminocarb produces a biphasic effect on Sertoli cells - 4th International Webinar on Chemistry and Pharmaceutical Chemistry (Reino Unido, 11/03/2022)

3. Aminocarb impacts male fertility by altering Sertoli cells metabolic performance - VII International Conference IMFAHE (Boston, 31/05/2021)

2. Endocrine disruptors and the binomial obesity and male fertility: a growing public health problem - 7ºCIS - Congresso Internacional em Saúde (Braga, 07/10/2020)

1. Moreira, Sílvia; Oliveira, Sónia; Seco-Rovira, Vicente; Oliveira, Pedro F.; Pereira, Maria de Lourdes. "The (un)expected influence of pesticides exposure in bone cancer development and transgenerational epigenetic effects in bone metabolism". Paper presented in 30th Australian and New Zealand Bone and Mineral Society Annual Scientific Meeting, Virtual Meeting, 2020.