Key Concepts

Disclaimer: Theories operate with concepts; and the choice of concepts also defines the theory itself. The claim has been made that modernity tries to purify categories that are actually blurred, fluid, and hybrid, such as the distinctions nature/culture, human/nonhuman, or subject/object. In modern times, the Enlightenment view of science as an objective arbiter of truth has been extended into the field of the social sciences as well, which leads to behavioral sciences that ignore values, biases, rhetoric, and power dynamics inherent in scientific practice. We should also be skeptical of universal knowledge claims and grand narratives, and instead embrace a dialogic approach to social sciences that accepts pluralism and recognizes the value of diverse perspectives.

Categories and Concepts

The following list of 50 concepts from the field of social and political science is just a starting point for orientation; I have tentatively grouped them into 9 categories:
