
The Sedgwick School Parent Teacher Association (PTA) invites you to join us throughout the year as we combine efforts to make Sedgwick a better place for our children to learn.  

Whatever time you can give, your efforts will be greatly appreciated by both students and teachers.  

If you are interested in a position or event that already has a volunteer, feel free to reach out... most anyone could use an extra set of hands!  Help a little, or a lot; help at school or at home; it all makes a difference!  

For more information and/or questions, please contact us at: SedgwickElementaryPTA@gmail.com 

CUSD Volunteer Requirements 

All school volunteers that will be interacting with students other than their own during school hours are REQUIRED by the Cupertino Union School District to have a TB test on file and have been fingerprinted (these actions do not need to be completed every year).   Examples include: noon duty, Project Cornerstone reader, field trip chaperones. 

All volunteers must complete the Volunteer Information Agreement for Sedgwick Elementary.

TB testing is available at CVS Minute Clinics as well as medical offices.

Fingerprinting services are available throughout the county such as Verify Group Inc..  Please bring THIS FORM when completing your fingerprinting.

Volunteer Grant Programs

Volunteer grant programs are corporate giving programs in which companies provide monetary donations to organizations where employees volunteer regularly.  If you volunteer with us, it's an easy way to provide us with additional financial support.  Contact your employer's HR department or corporate giving department to find out if they have such a program.  Go HERE to search for the guidelines and process for the matching program for your company.