Project Cornerstone
Project Cornerstone's ABC (Asset Building Champions) Program is a volunteer reading program run by YMCA of Silicon Valley. Each month a school wide book is read in every classroom. The book and discussion aim to promote positive social skills, reduce bullying, teach problem-solving and encourage healthy decision-making. ABC gives students a safe and caring place to talk about their feelings, experiences and concerns.
ABC gives our entire school community, from principal to student, a shared vocabulary and collective strategies for dealing with difficult situations both in school and out.
Now in its 4th year at Sedgwick, Project Cornerstone is a valuable asset to our school community.
Become an ABC Reader
By volunteering just 2-3 hours a month, our Asset Building Champions build relationships with young people by reading selected books and leading classroom activities and discussions, with focus on respect, tolerance, peaceful conflict resolution, caring and friendship. Children learn what to do if they encounter bully behaviors and how to become and UPstander.
Becoming a Project Cornerstone ABC reader involves:
Attending an hour-long meeting, once a month to learn about the book, discussion points and planned activities.
Preparation and reading the book in your child's classroom, leading the discussion and delivering the activity.
For more information, please contact Jaina Shah. More information can also be found at Project Cornerstone's Website.
'Champion Year' books, read to every class in 2017-18
4th grade class project
5th grade artwork from Stand Tall, Molly Lou Melon
'Building Year' books, read to every class in 2016-17.
Student artwork from a Project Cornerstone lesson