
Extended deadline for rejected VR papers

We will consider papers that are rejected at VR for inclusion in the workshop. Please make sure to adapt it to our workshop page length (max 2 pages) and incorporate the feedback received by the reviewers. Then submit your abstract together with the reviews and a short letter containing how you addressed the raised points until Thursday the 30th, by email.

Important Dates

  • Submission: January 27, 2020

  • Rejected VR paper submission: January 30, 2020

  • First Round Notification: January 31, 2020

  • Rebuttal: February 12, 2020

  • Second Round Notification: February 13, 2020

  • Camera-ready submission: February 14, 2020

Main Topics

Welcome are all topics, which directly investigate, which impact sitting in VR/AR has, or work where the user is being seated and this fact has/had a significant impact on the interface design, including:

    • Seated VR/AR

    • Working environments

    • Locomotion

    • 3DUI design

    • Perception, Immersion, Presence

    • Cybersickness

    • Gaming, Entertainment

    • Devices

    • Lazy UIs

Submission Format

We call for 1-2 page abstracts. A committee of expert reviewers will review all submissions. At least one author per abstract must register for the workshop as well as one day of the IEEE VR conference. Authors of accepted papers will be expected to give a lightning talk at the workshop. Submissions must be prepared in IEEE Computer Society VGTC format and submitted in PDF via EasyChair:

Feel free to link videos of your work in the abstract itself but make sure it is sufficiently anonymized, e.g., by providing a link to google drive etc.

The workshop's proceedings will be published in the IEEE Digital Library.

Selected submissions will also get the opportunity to be extended in a special issue of the MDPI Computers journal.