Megan Wierl & 6th Grade

Meet the Maker: Megan Wierl

My name is Megan Wierl and I am a 6th grade at Elmwood Elementary School. Maker culture is important because it offers students to guide their own learning in connection to real world problems and solutions.


Think of a problem that we discovered during science or social studies this year. What could you create using the engineer design process that we learned in science to solve that problem and benefit people.

What is an invention that could be created to better the lives of others?

Maker Plan: (SUBJECT for PROJECT?)

The link attached shows a maker plan that was complete with 6th grade students during Social Studies and Science class at the end of the year. Prior to beginning this project students learning about the characteristics of life needed by all humans in social studies and they learned about weather and water, diversity of life and how magnets and small motors work. They also participated in multiple skill builder activities to get them think creatively throughout the school year. Students then determined a problem that people have and a solution to solve it. Either the students problem or solution connected to a Science or Social Studies curriculum topic that was covered throughout the school year.

Maker Plan Link

What we are making, Why we are Making, Who we are Making for:

What are we making?

-Students are making prototypes of products that would solve a human problem. The used empathy to brainstorm problems.

Why are we making?

-They are making physical or digital prototypes of product that could be made and sold to people to better their lives.

Who are we making this for?

-Students are making products that they, their peers, their families or other people would want to purchase and use daily to improve their lives.

Maker Skill Builders & Highlights

Skill Builder: Disruptus

Each small group is given two picture cards. They are asked to merge the two idea to create a new invention that would solve a problem. They drew it and share the idea with peers for feedback.

Learn More/Try It

Skill Builder: Spaghetti Marshmallow Challenge

Students had a first try at building something with the constraints of time and materials.

Learn More/Try It

Student Exit Slips

Students filled out exit slips to document each step of the design process along the way.

Link to Exit Slip Documents

Student Prototyping

Prototyping can be messy, this is what a room looks like during the process!

Link to more pictures and videos!

Student Product Samples:



Images: Prototype Student Examples and Explanations.

Students used Seesaw to share their prototypes with classmates and teachers.

Videos: Videos of students sharing out inventions during the Disruptus Skill Builder Activity.

Additional Teacher Resources & Reproducibles:

Must know tips for Teachers:

Fast Tips!

-Start with skill builders! They are a great starting place for both teachers and students!

-Try a project and revise it for the next time! I learned by doing and get better every time! The project shown was implemented in Spring 2018 and again in Spring 2019!

-Come with an open mind! It takes time to let the students take control over time and materials!