Mr. Slonac 5th Grade

Meet the Maker: James Slonac

My name is Jim Slonac and I am a 5th grade teacher at Elmwood. Maker culture is important because it offers students a great opportunity to be creative and explore new ideas.

Provocation: Students will use mathematics and science related to a real world inquiry beyond the classroom.

Maker Plan: (Mathematics/Science)

MAKER PLAN: This project relates to real world inquiry by tying mathematical practices with science practices of designing and engineering.

What we are making, Why we are Making, Who we are Making for:

We are making 3 Act Videos to solve.

We are making these videos to educate and teach peers how math inquiries are all around us outside of school.

These videos can be used for students struggling on math practices or enriching new math skills on a deeper level.

Maker Skill Builders & Highlights:

VR Glasses

Using the virtual reality glasses to explore new areas of interest or tie into your curricular area.

Escape Room / Breakout EDU

Design a system of challenges and team building activities to solve and work your way out of various situations.


Flying a robotic machine with controller or by coding.

3 Act Videos: Constraints and Criteria

Act 1: Inquiry and discovery. Act 2: Questioning and Probing. Act 3: Solving with multiple solutions. Act 4: Inquiry beyond.

Product Samples: Teacher Models

Both examples were used as models for students to follow.

Christmas Yeti - 3 Act Video
Slonac - 3 Act Video Model

Product Samples: Student Creations

Student 1 3 Act Video
Student 3 3 Act Video

Mr. Slonac Teacher Tips:

1. Have fun with the overall Making experience.

2. Try offering specific criteria and constraints to keep things less open ended and at times more challenging. (This can be for skill builders as well)

3. Try doing this Maker project during the second semester when more math skills have been previously taught in the first semester.

4. You don't always have to tie your skill builders directly to what you are doing for your Maker project. If you notice the ones I used for this project revolve around team building, creativity and problem solving.