Water Goals and Strategies

Why does water matter?

Water is an important resource that is used by schools in many ways. Most frequently water is used for drinking, restrooms, landscaping, heating and cooling, and cafeteria kitchens. All of this use in schools adds up to about 6% of overall water use in the United States (EPA, 2018), and has a number of environmental, social, and economic impacts: 

It is critical that schools have a water management plan that makes efforts to conserve water, protect water quality, and reduce their overall ecological footprint. 

Key Mandates

What are the key mandates and policies related to sustainable water for California?

California mandates for water are focused around providing access, conserving water, and reducing water pollution. Examples of legislation and mandates include the following: 

Water Goals and Strategies

What are the water goals for TK/K-12 schools, and what are strategies for achieving this goal?

Water Conservation

Collection and Pollution Prevention