Environmental and Climate Justice, Case Studies, and Research

The resources below have been curated by Andra Yeghoian and can be found on other websites where the original content was developed. The resources and are suggested starting points for integrating environmental justice, environmental case studies, and student-centered environmental themed research into the following: core subject area (i.e. science, social studies, ELA, math, etc.) instructional materials, Solutionary PBL units, Earth Awareness Day teach-ins, etc. 

It is highly recommended that all activities on this page be paired with trauma informed practices the can help students navigate any emotions that surface in response to learning about the climate crisis. It is absolutely critical that our students learn about global warming and climate change, but just as critical that it is paired with appropriate social and emotional learning support. Find an overview to trauma informed practices and climate change here, as well as sample nature connection activities here

Environmental and Climate Justice Resources for Teachers and Students

Overview to Environmental Justice: Environmental justice is the fair treatment and meaningful involvement of all people (regardless of race, ethnicity, income, or age) in the process of improving and maintaining a clean and healthful environment. Environmental justice starts with improving the lives of those who have traditionally lived, worked and played closest to the sources of pollution, and or those who are on the front lines of the impacts of climate change. The resources below are a starting point for educators who want to integrate environmental justice into their classroom and programs. 

Environmental and Climate Justice Definitions and WebQuest: This WebQuest provides well vetted resources that define the concept of environmental justice, and how this movement has evolved over time. 

The San Mateo County Office of Education has developed a number of Environmental Justice resources that are a good starting point for teachers to integrate environmental justice into their K-12 curriculum. Check out the full overview to these resources on the SMCOE Environmental Justice page, or use the quick links below: 

EcoRise Environmental Justice Curriculum: The EcoRise lessons explore how harming the environment is an example of unkind behavior and that people of color are disproportionately impacted by environmental problems. The lessons facilitate exploration of how kindness, compassion, and empathy can contribute to repairing damage caused by racist behaviors, policies, and systems. Students will take a close look at leaders and EJ Heroes and events that helped form the EJ movement and discuss how they can help dismantle/counteract damage caused by systemic racism. 

Solutionary and Environmental Books: This book list (and some videos) provides examples of solutionary stories of action and advocacy, or are books that explore environmental themes. Many are children’s books, which are great for both primary and secondary students. The curated list includes a number of sections, including an Environmental Justice section. 

Case Study Resources for Teachers and Students

Overview: A case study is a research method involving an up-close, in-depth, and detailed examination of a particular situation, or place, or moment in time, or organization.  The resources below are a starting point for educators who want to integrate case studies into their classroom and programs. 

The San Mateo County Office of Education (SMCOE) Environmental Literacy and Sustainability Initiative (ELSI) team has developed a number of case study resources that could be used with 3rd - 12th graders:

The San Diego County Office of Education led a series of Environmental Phenomenon Summits that generated resources that can be used as case studies for local environmental phenomenon. Check out the resources by region: Region 3, Region 4, Region 5, Region 9, Region 10

Data Nuggets connects students with real-world data driven case studies. Teachers and students can use the data nuggets as part of a lesson, or to dive deeper into a place based phenomenon. Many of the data nuggets featured on the site are environmental topics. 

Student Centered Research Resources

The San Mateo County Office of Education has developed a number of topical based  student centered research activities such as WebQuests and Field Studies. Check out the links below to explore. 

Access to Web Quest Activities

The following are WebQuests for general environmental topics:*

Access to Field Research Activities and Materials

Home Based Activities

School Based Audit Activities