Solutionary Teaching and Learning Resources

Solutionary teaching and learning involves the process of students analyzing "wicked" problems, identifying the inhumane and unsustainable systems that perpetuate them, and then developing solutions that do the most good and least harm for all.

This site provides resources for teachers who are interested in bringing Solutionary Teaching and Learning into their classroom. Teachers looking for supplemental resources should start with the "Solutionary Teaching Strategies" section. Those looking for comprehensive "Take and Teach" frameworks and unit exemplars should utilize the two different Solutionary Unit of Study frameworks: "Content Driven" and "Research Driven".

Solutionary Teaching Strategies

Solutionary Teaching Strategies: This collection of strategies has been adapted and developed by Andra Yeghoian, since 2010, with influence from multiple educational philosophies and unit archetypes, and with input from colleagues at multiple institutions - Presidio Graduate School, Bishop O’Dowd High School, the Environmental Leadership Program (ELP), the San Mateo County Office of Education (SMCOE), the California Environmental Literacy Initiative (CAELI), and the Institute for Human Education (IHE)). The strategies  are categorized under the following  umbrellas: Thinking Styles, Skills, and Lenses, Knowledge Building Research Tools, and Collaborative, Interactive, and SEL Tools.

Solutionary and Environmental Books: This book list (and some videos) provides examples of solutionary stories of action and advocacy, or are books that explore environmental themes. Many are children’s books, which are great for both primary and secondary students. The curated list includes a number of sections: 

Solutionary Design Challenge Examples: A design challenge is a project where students cycle through an entire design thinking process at least once. A solutionary design challenge will have students develop solutions that do the most good and the least amount of harm for the planet, people, and all living creatures.  

Content-Driven Solutionary PBL

This framework is relevant for TK/K-12 Learning

Check out the video overview to Content-Driven Solutionary PBL

The Content-Driven Solutionary PBL Framework is built around four phases that take students from understanding basic contextual knowledge about a topic, to diving deeply into the problems and issues associated with that topic, and culminating with designing and implementing solutionary action and advocacy. At the conclusion of the unit, students evaluate their impact, reflect on their enduring understandings from the unit, and celebrate personal and academic growth. This type of PBL positions the teacher as a content provider in the knowledge phase, and a facilitator of solutionary collaboration in the action phase.  

The exemplar units below have been developed in collaboration with the San Mateo County Office of Education, and San Joaquin Teachers College Environmental Literacy Master's Degree Program. These exemplars are standards aligned, and include many take-and-teach activities for both virtual (distance/remote) and on-site learning. See Exemplar Units below - grade band level units (K-2, 3-5, and 6-12) are embedded:

To get started on drafting your own Content-Driven Solutionary Unit of Study, make a copy of one of the Solutionary Unit of Study Templates below and start filling it in with your ideas! 

Research Driven Solutionary PBL (a.k.a. - Wicked Problems Systems Thinking Project)

This framework is best used with secondary (6-12) and post-secondary education

This student-centered learning experience provides 3-12th students from multiple subject areas (i.e. ELA, Science, History-Social Studies, Math, Visual and Performing Arts (VAPA), and Health) with the opportunity to analyze real-world environmental and social justice issues from a systems thinking lens, and includes opportunities for students to develop (and implement) meaningful solutions. There are two different frameworks below that are ready to take-and-teach for both on-site and remote learning, and allows for teachers to support as a facilitator of students learning, and a coach: 

Additional Solutionary Planning Templates

To get started on drafting your own Content-Driven Solutionary Unit of Study, make a copy of one of the Solutionary Unit of Study Templates below and start filling it in with your ideas! 

Solutionary Case Studies and Interviews from Changemaker Educators

There are a number of different organizations who are collecting solutionary stories and documenting for others to learn from. Explore the resources below to check out stories. 

The Eco and Climate Anxiety page of this site has curated a number of Solutionary teaching case studies at the bottom of the page by different grade level and subject area. Check out the great Solutionary and Trauma Informed Case Studies from teacher changemakers. 

The San Mateo County Office of Education has been captured a number of solutionary stories on their Sustainable and Climate Ready Schools Changemaker Interviews page. Many of these stories are from teachers and youth who have been trained with the Solutionary PBL Frameworks and strategies. 

Green Teacher has been collecting resources for a number of years that captures stories of solutionary teachers. Check out this example Middle School Unit on the Great Pacific Garbage Patch and Ocean Currents, and more at Green Teacher. 

The Institute for Humane Education has a number of inspirational examples on their Frameworks and Inspiration page of teachers who are implementing solutionary teaching and learning in their classroom and schools. 

Additional Resources