Energy Goals and Strategies

Why Does Energy Matter?

Energy in schools is used for a variety of core operations elements such as heating and cooling, lighting, plug loads, cooking, transportation, and more. However there are two key challenges associated with energy: 

1) Energy demand makes up a significant portion of a school’s ecological footprint, and has environmental, social, and economic impacts:

2) The impacts of climate change are threatening schools’ ability to maintain safe and consistent access to energy. 

The good news is that there are many things an institution can do to transition to clean energy. Furthermore, there are many things a school can do to become more energy resilient, meaning maintaining the ability to withstand and rapidly recover from power outages and continue operating with electricity, heating, cooling, ventilation, and other energy-dependent services.

Key Mandates

What are the key mandates and policies relevant to schools for Energy in California?

Energy Goals and Strategies

What is a reasonable goal for an educational institution to reduce its energy footprint, and what are strategies for achieving this goal?

Goal Example: Achieve Carbon Neutrality for Energy Use by 2025-2030

Carbon neutrality, or having a net zero carbon footprint, refers to achieving net zero carbon dioxide emissions for energy use by offsetting emissions or similar eliminating carbon emissions for energy use altogether.