Undergraduate Students

It is preferable for students to complete an annual application when possible. Semester applications should be submitted ONLY when a student did not have an opportunity to submit the annual application for a given academic year. Whether submitting an annual application or semester application, students are considered for the same scholarship opportunities. Completing both applications will not increase the number of scholarship opportunities you are considered for. 

Scholarship Connection (Annual Application)

The general application available within Loyola's Scholarship Connection opens on February 15, 2024.  Students submit the general application for award consideration in the upcoming academic year. Students must submit the application by June 1, 2024 (hard deadline) and will receive award notification for Fall 2024, Spring 2025, Summer 2025. 

Semester Applications (Fall, Spring, Summer)

Semester applications are available for students who missed the opportunity to submit the annual application. Students who submitted an annual application and have received an award based on this application, are not eligible to receive an additional scholarship if they submit a semester (fall, spring, or summer) application. 

Stop-Out Return Scholarship

Students who are currently Stopped Out from their academic programs and are experiencing financial hardships requiring them to step away from their courses are eligible to receive additional scholarship aid through the Stop Our Return Scholarship. If you are a Stop Out student who has an existing OTB (Office of the Bursar) hold that you are working on, you will be eligible for the scholarship opportunity to apply towards future tuition charges. Please note that this scholarship cannot be applied towards an existing tuition balance.  

Second Bachelor's Degree

Unfortunately, SCPS scholarships are not available to students who have already completed a bachelor's degree and are currently working on a second or third degree.  We invite you to explore the Fellows scholarship, https://www.luc.edu/adult-education/affordable-degree-programs/tuition-matching/ , and scholarship information on the U.S. Department of Education's website: https://studentaid.gov/understand-aid/types/scholarships. This includes a link to the Department of Labor's free scholarship database.