Researcher Identity & Profile

ORCID, which stands for Open Researcher and Contributor ID, is a global, not-for-profit organization sustained by fees from our member organizations. We are community-built and governed by a Board of Directors representative of our membership with wide stakeholder representation. ORCID is supported by a dedicated and knowledgeable professional staff. 

ORCID provides a persistent digital identifier that distinguishes you from every other researcher and, through integration in key research workflows such as manuscript and grant submission, supports automated linkages between you and your professional activities ensuring that your work is recognized

Clarivate is a global leader in trusted and transformative intelligence. We bring together enriched data, insights, analytics and workflow solutions, grounded in deep domain expertise across the spectrum of knowledge, research and innovation.

Whether it’s providing insights to transform the water industry or accelerating the delivery of a critical vaccine, our aim is to fuel the world’s greatest breakthroughs by harnessing the power of human ingenuity.

ResearcherID is a global, multi-disciplinary scholarly research community.

With a unique identifier assigned to each author in ResearcherID, you can eliminate author misidentification and view an author’s citation metrics instantly. 

Search the registry to find collaborators, review publication lists and explore how research is used around the world. 


Use Publons to track your publications, citation metrics, peer reviews, and journal editing work in a single, easy-to-maintain profile.

We help researchers to make new discoveries, collaborate with their colleagues and give them the knowledge they need to find funding. We help governments and universities to evaluate and improve their research strategies. We help doctors to save lives, providing insight for physicians to find the right clinical answers and we support nurses and other healthcare professionals throughout their careers. Our goal is to expand the boundaries of knowledge for the benefit of humanity. 

Scopus AuthorID

Preview your open and free author profile on Elsevier's Scopus, the largest abstract and citation database of peer-reviewed literature

Google Scholar's "My Citations" provide a simple way for authors to keep track of citations to their articles. You can check who is citing your publications, graph citations over time, and compute several citation metrics. You can also make your profile public, so that it may appear in Google Scholar results when people search for your name

Our research journals are community-driven and peer-reviewed by editorial boards of over 202,000 top researchers. Featuring pioneering technology, artificial intelligence, and rigorous quality standards, our research articles have been viewed more than 1.9 billion times, reflecting the power of open research. 


The Open Science Research Network