Research Practices

Research practice refers to the generic methodologies that are common to all fields of research and scholarly endeavor. The term 'good research practice' describes the expected norms of professional behavior of researchers. (Royal Society Te Apārangi )

We look at current practices, and also changing trends

Research discovery and workflow solutions

Behind every groundbreaking discovery is thousands of hours of research, data analysis and writing. And countless disappointments of failed experiments, futile findings and rejected publications. Arm your research teams with the tools they need for a straight line to success. By doing so, strengthen your organization’s reputation for world-leading research and stay ahead of industry competition.

The Web of Science™ portfolio of research platforms and workflow tools help researchers efficiently conduct disruptive research and advance their field—identify which research problems remain unsolved and the best opportunities to contribute, collaborate efficiently with the right peers, and share findings by publishing in the world’s leading journals.

A literature review is a piece of academic writing demonstrating knowledge and understanding of the academic literature on a specific topic placed in context. A literature review also includes a critical evaluation of the material; this is why it is called a literature review rather than a literature report. (The University of Edinburgh) 

Open Access Literature Discovery Resources

Tools to easily access Open Access full-text articles

A reference manager is a software package that allows scientific authors to collect, organize, and use bibliographic references or citations. The terms citation manager or bibliographic management software are used interchangeably. (Openingscience)

Reference Management Tools

Referencing Styles
