Wind Waves

The wind-wave feature will create the illusion of wind by procedurally tilting your instances depending on an animated noise texture.

You can control the speed/ strength/ turbulence or general noise shape of the wind. It's also possible to precisely define the wind direction with the help of a flow map.

Such features will rotate your instances, they will not deform any meshes.

The "Scale Influence" toggle will lower the tilting strength of tinier instances, less affected by the wind force, or at the opposite, add more tilt the taller the instance is.

The "Bilateral Swing" option enables your tilting movement to go back and forth, instead of the default unilateral behavior.

You are able to paint wind direction with the help of flowmaps. (learn about flowmaps on the prerequisite page).

Wind Turbulence

If you only need a slight random wind idle animation, then look no further than the "Wind turbulence" feature.

Both "wind waves" and "wind turbulence" can be cumulated, if you only need a little turbulence, it is best to try the turbulence slider by itself first, perhaps it is enough to sell the effect.


These features have an animated-loop option available. Great if you'd like to render seamless neverending clips!

By default, the loop will be automatically computed from the current start/end frame of your scene.