Location Transforms

The "Location Transforms" feature lets you transform the location of your points. So Location/Rotation/Scale transforms are supported with random values available.

Use Case:
Scattered clouds hovering above your surface(s).

Push Along Axis

The "Push Along Axis" feature is quite self explanatory, it will offset your instances position along the chosen axis method.

Use Case:
Leaves hovering just above a distribution of grass.

Noise Animation

The "Noise Animation" feature will randomly animate the positions of your instances from the given distance spread and speed parameters.

Use Case: Scatter birds, flying moths, or fireflies for example.

Falling Animation

The "Falling Animation" feature, as its name suggests, will create a falling animation from your scatter. This effect will first create a column (random offset based on the global Z direction) from the given distance parameters, then animate the column falling or elevating depending on chosen start/end keyframe settings.

The "fall at initial position" option will stop the offsets of individual instances when they are reaching their initial positions, thus giving an illusion of a collision.

It's also possible to add location/rotation turbulence during the fall.

Use Case: Falling snowflakes, falling dead leaves, elevating flying lanterns.