Extra Features

Quick Displacement

The quick displacement feature is a fast and easy way to create procedural displacement on the selected objects.


In Scatter5, each scatter-systems will always be unique, but perhaps you'd like some settings to be in sync within your system(s) ?

How to use:

  1. You will first need to add a new synchronization channel

  2. Choose which setting categories are being synchronized.

  3. Add scatter-systems member.

Master Seed

The master seed value will have an influence on every single Scatter5 seed present in your .blend file.

Rendering an animation of this cha
nging master seed with a '#frame' driver is an interesting way to iterate over your environment design.

Export to Instances

If you'd like to export your instances to other softwares, you will first need to convert your selected scatter-system to blender instance objects, to do so, use the non-destructive "Selected to Instances" operator.

Falloff Graph

Most useful for defining user-defined transitions.

This feature has been implemented for most of our procedural features where transition-distances are occurring.

Interacting with graphs supports the
ALT-for-bach & settings-synchronization features.

Falloff Noise

Blend your transition with a noise pattern. This effect is overlooked in most scattering plugins, even in other 3d software, and it is quite essential in order to reach a more natural-looking transition in our opinion!

This feature has been implemented for most of our procedural features where transition-distances are occurring.

Export As Mesh

It is possible to export your scattered instances as one big merged mesh. Be aware that this feature can be tremendously hard to compute, as it can generate an enormous amount of data. Use it at your own discretion.

Export to Json

It is possible to encode all scattered points location, rotation, scale to a .json format with the export to Json operator.