1. What’s this about?

In May of 2022 the school was being sold to developers for demolition to build an apartment building. Pacific Lutheran University (PLU) no longer had use for East Campus and was pursuing this option. Citizens of Parkland felt the historic school was sound and worth saving for a community center and approached PLU with a proposal to buy the school to save the historic landmark to serve the community. If this cannot be achieved, the original plan to demolish the building will proceed.

2.  What is next? What happens when the school is saved?

The Vision: To retrofit and repurpose this 36,000 square-foot historic school into a community centered space that provides services and opportunities for families, youth and seniors!

3.  Is my donation tax deducible?

Yes, The Parkland Community Assn. is a 501(3)(C) registered organization with the State of WA and your donations are tax deductible! Please donate electronically here, send your check to our P.O. Box, call Julie at 253-906-8751 to arrange in-person drop off of a check or cash. If you have any questions, please email us at saveparklandschool@gmail.com *If you donate via check or cash, then the Parkland Community Assn. doesn’t have to pay any card processing fees!

Please send mail to:

Parkland Community Assn.
℅ Julie Collison
PO Box 45355
Parkland, WA 98448

4.  What if I don’t have the funds to donate or time to volunteer?

That’s ok! You can still help us by spreading the word about our mission to Save Parkland School. If you can, please tell a friend, or as many people as possible about our goals to save the school and turn it into a community center and share the link to donate on social media. We have a fast approaching deadline of April 30 th , 2024 to raise the funds we need!

5.  How could this benefit the Parkland community?

A community center would provide space for non-profits and community services organizations to provide services including:

6.  I heard that the building is all run down?

We have had the condition of the building assessed and it is absolutely possible to retrofit the space. The Parkland Community Assn. has established relationships with contractors who are ready to donate their labor to help once we complete the purchase.

7.  Why do you need so much money from the public / community? 

Parkland, WA is part of unincorporated Pierce County which means we don’t have access to dedicated tax dollars to fund this community project. In addition to asking the public for their investment, we have applied for many grants, are in the process of applying for other grants and have been appropriated $500,000 fund to the Parkland School Project as part of the 2023-2025 State Capital Budget. We have already had many generous donations from the community but still need more before the April 30th, 2024 deadline.

8. Why does the building cost 2.85 million? Isn’t that too much?

The original purchase price of Parkland School by PLU was 1.7 million. The asking price for the property at 2.85 million is based on current market value of the building and the land.

9. How did this all get started?

In Parkland, Washington on May 13th, 2022 Jani Hitchen spoke at the May13th SCC Spring Banquet Luncheon. She informed the participants of the sale and imminent demolition of the building. Members of the community heard of an upcoming meeting of the Landmark and Historic Preservation Commission meeting in which developers were requesting the delisting of Parkland School from the historic register. 

10. How did the situation change?

At the Landmark and Historic Preservation Commission meeting to determine the fate of Parkland School over 60 members of the community were in attendance.  Many testified. The commission voted unanimously to retain Parkland School on the historic register and voted against the proposed demolition.

11. So how are PLU and the community working together now?

Since August 2022, members of the community have been given an incredible opportunity to buy the property for $2.85 million.


Read more detailed timeline here.

12. What are the plans for the building?

The goal is to save the school to serve the community. The first six months into the project, community volunteers polled residents of Parkland at public meetings, community activities, small group sessions, organizations, community events, schools, community service organizations, and received overwhelming feedback that Parkland School should be saved and repurposed as a community center.

13. Who’s behind all this?

Parkland School Community Center is a project of the Parkland Community Association. Up until July 1, 2023, this has been a 100% community volunteer effort, financed completely by in kind and cash donations. Our community partners include Pacific Lutheran University, Spanaway Community Association, Franklin Pierce School District, Trinity Lutheran Church, Garfield Street Business Association, Parkland Fireside SafeStreets, Parkland Spanaway Kiwanis, and Parkland Rotary. We have gratefully received support from Senator Steve Conway, advice and referrals from representative Melanie Morgan, interest from Representative Sharlett Mena and help from Pierce County Council members Jani Hitchen and Marty Campbell.

We hired a professional grant writer and a research and development consultant. We continue to benefit from assistance from the Washington Trust for Historic Preservation.

14. Why is the building worth saving?

Parkland School has served the community for 115 years. It is listed as an Historic Landmark by Pierce County Landmark and Historic Preservation Commission. A complete Condition and Needs Assessment (CNA) was conducted by Historic Architect, Vernon Abelsen in March 2023. He completed a preservation assessment concluding, “Overall, building appears sound, consistent with Nov. 22, 2011 report by PCS Structural Solutions commissioned by Pacific Lutheran University.” 

It was named as a most endangered historic building by the Washington Trust for Historic Preservation and was awarded their Valerie Sivinski Historic Preservation grant. Parkland School also received a Preservation Planning grant from the National Trust for Historic Preservation. Northwest Vernacular has published a 40-page Historic Preservation Planning document including examples of regional projects like Parkland School Community Center and listing potential grant opportunities.

Prepared by Parkland Community Assn. 4/11/2024.  For additional information go to: SAVEPARKLANDSCHOOL.ORG