Golden Arduino 


The objective of this lab is to design a superior "Golden Arduino" board that outperforms the commercial Arduino board, specifically in terms of signal integrity. We will achieve this by implementing advanced design practices such as utilizing a common ground plane, placing decoupling capacitors as close to the IC as possible, minimizing trace length, reducing trace parasitic inductance, and incorporating effective power filters. These design improvements will contribute to enhanced performance.

The main features of our Arduino board will include the ability to upload code via a USB port, support the Arduino IDE, and ensure full compatibility with most Arduino Uno R3 shields. By combining these features with the aforementioned design enhancements, we will deliver a superior Arduino board that provides exceptional signal integrity and overall performance.

PCB schematic 

PCB layout

bare PCB

Back of PCB

first PCB revision                                                                               second PCB revision

                  quiet high and quiet low trigered at the falling  edge of the golden and commercial arduino 

                         golden arduino                                                                 commercial arduino    

table comparison of the percetage of noise decrement acomplished compared to the commercial arduino 

key takeaways:

● Proper layout practices greatly improve switching noise on the power rail and ground


● Good or bad layout practices can greatly affect near-field emissions.

● The reset line must receive appropriate power to enable bootloading.

● A 16 MHz crystal must output the desired resonance only after boot loading has


● Testing the tvs chip output is clamped to the desired voltage level is always

recommended to ensure successful code upload in this case output of the data lines.

● A 12 MHz crystal must output the correct signal for CH340 correct upload to occur.

● Data D+ and D- lines should be opposite of each other.

● Repercussions of a slammer circuit can be mitigated by good design practices.

● Don't blindly follow a design that may include legacy components that aren't the best


● Tx and Rx lines are easily mistaken, so double-check their placement.


the Golden arduino showed a much better performance in terms of switching noise, quiet signals, power rail noise, and near field emissions compared to a commercial Arduino.

PCB-report-Board-3-golden-Arduino the best