Nelson Zane Four-Year Award

Four-year high school students will be honored with the Nelson Zane Music Award for four years of participation in the High School Honors Concert.

The awards ceremony will be during the Honors Concert intermission.

Please inform your directors if you are a four year student. All Four Year Students will be emailed an invitation to apply for the Nelson Zane Memorial Scholarship.

The name sake of the Nelson Zane four-year award, Mr. Nelson Zane, passed away in February of 2011. His family has started the Nelson Zane Memorial Scholarship award in his honor. All four-year Honors Students are eligible to apply. One $500 scholarship will be awarded. Accepted four-year students will receive information via email on how to apply.

2024 Nelson Zane Award Recipients


Giuseppe Amato - Tokay High School

Selvin Curin - East Union High School

Melino Halaholo - Lincoln High School

Sergio Lozano - Franklin High School

Jaydin Madriaga - Lincoln High School

Yuzar Oo - Tracy High School

Anshini Parikh - Lincoln High School

Zac Shi - Lincoln High School

Josh Sprinkle - Lincoln High School

Hannah Wampler - Escalon High School

Ethan Williams - Franklin High School

Sonnet Wonacott - Lincoln High School

Matthew Young - Lincoln High School


Archit Bahl - Mountain House High School

Sachnoor Kaur - Mountain House High School

Ranaya Singh - Weston Ranch High School

Dishita Thathapuram - Mountain House High School


Ryan Dahl - Lincoln High School

Valente Hernandez - Ripon High School

John Holdaway - Lincoln High School

Keira Imada - Lincoln High School

Justin Martinez - Lincoln High School

Helen Padilla - Lincoln High School

Angeline Redding - West High School

Karol Rodriguez - Lincoln High School

Anthony Wahhab - Tracy High School