Research Activities

The focus of research in the laboratory relates to signal transduction mediated by cyclic nucleotides.  We investigate molecular mechanisms of signaling by receptor guanylyl cyclases, phosphodiesterases and novel nucleotide cyclases in bacteria.

The receptor guanylyl cyclase C (GC-C) is a ligand-stimulated guanylyl cyclase that is involved in the maintenance of fluid-homeostasis and intestinal cell division and differentiation.  We have been studying aspects of its regulation and function in the mammalian gut and colorectal cell lines, and working along with clinicians, have identified mutations in humans that are associated with congenital secretory diarrhoea.

The wealth of genome information coupled with large scale computational analyses have revealed the presence of a large number of Class III nucleotide cyclases, phosphodiesterases and cyclic nucleotide binding proteins in bacteria and archaebacteria. We are involved in carrying out systematic studies on the Class III adenylyl cyclases encoded in the genome of Mycobacterium tuberculosis H37Rv, as well as identifying and characterizing novel cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterases and cyclic nucleotide binding proteins in mycobacteria.