

Celian Diblasi, Nicola Barson, Marie Saitou
Resolving  large-scale  genome  evolution  in  the  high-throughput  sequencing  era:  structural 1variants, genome rearrangement, and karyotype dynamics in animals

2.  Jun Soung Kwak*, M. Angel Leon-Tapia*, Celian Diblasi, Domniki Manousi, Lars Gronvold, Guro K. Sandvik, Marie Saitou
"Functional and regulatory diversification of circadian rhythm period genes during the evolution of vertebrates" is submitted!!!  

Peer-Reviewed Research Articles

1. Kristina Stenløkk, Marie Saitou, Live Rud-Johansen, Torfinn Nome, Michel Moser, Mariann Árnyasi, Matthew Kent, Nicola Jane Barson† and Sigbjørn Lien†, 

The emergence of supergenes from inversions in Atlantic salmon, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B, 13 June 2022,, PDF

Past publication of the PI (see Google Scholar Citation)


10. Saitou M. Dahl A*. Wang Q. Liu X. Allele frequency differences of causal variants have a major impact on low cross-ancestry portability of PRS doi:

Peer-Reviewed Research Articles

9.  Saitou M, Masuda N, Gokcumen O. Similarity-based analysis of allele frequency distribution among multiple populations identifies adaptive genomic structural variants. Molecular Biology and Evolution, msab313, 2021

8. Saitou.M*., Resendez, S*, Pradhan A.J. , Wu F., Lie N.C., Hall, N.J. Zhu Q., Reinholdt L., Satta Y., Nakagome. S, Hanchard N.A., Churchill G., Lee C., Atilla-Gokcumen G.E., Mu X., Gokcumen O., Sex-specific phenotypic effects and evolutionary history of an ancient deletion polymorphism of the human growth hormone receptor [*co-first author], Science Advances, 24 Sep 2021•Vol 7, Issue 39

7. Saitou, M, Gaylord, E., Xu, D., Neznanova, L., Nathan, N., Grawe, A., Chang, L., Ryan, W., Ruhl, S., Knox, S., Gokcumen, O., Functional specialization of human salivary glands and origins of proteins intrinsic to human saliva, Cell Reports, Volume 33, Issue 7, 17 November 2020, 108402

6. Li, N, Saitou, M, Atilla‐Gokcumen GE , The Role of p38 MAPK in Triacylglycerol Accumulation During Apoptosis, Proteomics, 1900160

5. Saitou, M., Gokcumen, O., Resolving the insertion sites of polymorphic duplications reveals a HERC2 haplotype under selection, Genome Biology and Evolution, Volume 11, Issue 6, June 2019, Pages 1679–1690

4. Saitou, M.*, Lizardo DY.*, Taskent RO, Millner A, Atilla-Gokcumen, GE**, Gokcumen, O**. An evolutionary transcriptomics approach links CD36 to membrane remodeling in replicative senescence. Molecular Omics , 2018, 4,14:237  [inside cover article] [*co-first author]

3. Saitou, M., Satta, Y. Gokcumen, O., Ishida, T. Complex evolution of the GSTM gene family involves sharing of GSTM1 deletion polymorphism in humans and chimpanzees. BMC Genomics, 2018, 19:293 [selected for the image carousel on the journal website]

2. Saitou, M., Satta, Y. Gokcumen, O. Complex Haplotypes of GSTM1 Gene Deletions Harbor Signatures of a Selective Sweep in East Asian Populations G3: GENES, GENOMES, GENETICS 2018, 8(9): 2953–2966

1. Saitou, M and Ishida, T Distributions of the GSTM1 and GSTT1 Null Genotypes Worldwide are Characterized by Latitudinal Clines. The Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention VOLUME 16, 2015, Issue Number 1, 355-361

Peer-Reviewed Review Articles

1. Saitou, M., Gokcumen, O., An evolutionary perspective on the impact of genomic copy number variation on human health, Journal of Molecular Evolution. 2020 Jan;88(1):104-119.