Join Us

We will welcome motivated students, postdocs, and visiting researchers who are interested in population/statistical/evolutionary genomics with bioinformatics tools.

Group Expectations

Starting your research life in Norway

If you are interested in joining us, please contact Marie (marie.saitou[at] with the following information.

We may not reply to non-specific emails [before you apply...]:

  • Why are you interested in our lab? What do you want to learn?

  • Which paper from the group do you like best and why?

  • Brief introduction of you and your research experience/Your CV.

MSCA postdoctoral fellowship - yearly call at NMBU, usually around March

PhD study at BIOVIT, NMBU

Master program at BIOVIT, NMBU
Application deadline/International applicants: December, Norwegian applicants: April)

There are multiple scholarships (for students) and fellowships (for postdocs), funding for guest researchers.

Past calls

Past call: [closed] There is one vacant funded Ph.D. position (apply by July 11th, 2022)

Past call: [closed] There is one vacant funded PostDoc. position (apply by January 20th, 2022)

Past call: [closed] There is one vacant funded Ph.D. position (apply by August 15th, 2021)

Past call: [closed] There is one vacant funded Ph.D. position (apply by May 23rd, 2021)


Room: HU138 (Ground floor, near the stairs), Oluf Thesens vei 6, 1433 Ås, Norway,

Rubric: Goals at each career stage

It is a never-ending process to learn science and contribute to science. The PI also keeps learning!

If you are interested in doing your research in Japan, there are several fellowships for students, postdocs and senior researchers.

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