Marie Saitou Lab.

photo credit: Dr. Shiori Koga @Nofima

Saitou Lab started in 2020. We are broadly interested in revealing the biological bases of uniquely evolved various species by combining multi-scale data sets such as from genomics, molecular, and cellular level observations. 

I am in charge of CIGENE online seminar series since 2021. If you are interested in talking about your work there or want to nominate somebody, please let me know (The slot is limited and we cannot guarantee to invite you).  

6. 2024 Erik presented his MSc thesis "Evaluating Genetic Tools for Conservation of Threatened European Lobster"  (and he got a huge lobster doll from colleagues)

2. 2024 Erik gave a talk at "Coast to Coral" about his master's thesis project "How do you tell the age of a lobster with genetics tools?" 

10. 2023 Cigene seminar series is starting.
5. 2023 Domniki and Celian will give poster presentations at SMBE2023 on July.

5. 2023 Celian's literature review is now on EvoEcorxiv.
"Resolving  large-scale  genome  evolution  in  the  high-throughput  sequencing  era:  structural variants, genome rearrangement, and karyotype dynamics in animals" 

4. 2023 Akira is joining the team to investigate aquaculture outbreak mechanism using meta-transcriptomics tools.

3. 2023 Our first manuscript, "Functional and regulatory diversification of circadian rhythm period genes during the evolution of vertebrates," is submitted!!!  

12. 2022 Erik is joining the team to investigate the genetic/molecular basis of morphological variation of European lobsters. 

12. 2022 We received Arima Genomics kit grant to investigate genomic structural variation from the 3D organization of the genome.

10. 2022 One preprint submitted!

9. 2022 We had an institute-wide seminar trip in Sweden. Domniki gave a presentation.

8. 2022 Celian and Pauline are going to join the team as a Ph.D. candidate and a Master's intern, respectively, from France (Interesting :-))

6.2022 We started reading "Evolutionary Biology of the Atlantic Salmon" by Tomislav Vladi, Erik Petersson, and Francisco Ucan-Marin together!

6. 2022 Jayme will be visiting us from the Arctic University of Norway to work with us on eQTL (association between genetic variation and gene expression variation) analysis. 

6. 2022 Kristina's paper about supergene evolution in Atlantic salmon has been published in Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B.

5. 2022 Jun joined the group as a new PostDoc. He will lead the establishment of gene-editing of structural variants. 

5. 2022 Marie received the First Marie Sklodowska Curie Award, Japan.

5. 2022 Kristina's paper about whitefish genomic variation has been published in Molecular Ecology.

3. 2022 Domniki presented her work at the NoWPaS meeting, France.

1.2022 Kristina's paper in collaboration with Louis Bernatchez's group in Canada has been submitted. Kristina contributed to the genomic structural variants analysis in Lake Whitefish species.

1.2022 Domniki has started her career as a Ph.D. candidate!

11.2021 One PostDoc position in gene editing is available (closed)

11. 2021 Master projects at CIGENE are now open. The tuition fee at NMBU is free.

Past News (11.2020-10.2021)

9. 2021 Marie's paper was published on Science Advances.

9.2021 Kristina got “the best PhD presentation award” at the CIGENE seminar trip 2021, for her talk: Structural Variants in the Atlantic Salmon Genome!

8.2021 One more PhD position in functional genomics is available (closed)

8.2021 Domniki is joining a team as a researcher; she will start as a Ph.D. candidate next year!

8.2021 Marie's interview is on The female Scientist.

6.2021 Marie has received Researcher Project for Young Talents (FRIPRO)  grant (8M NOK, 940K USD) from the Research Council of Norway!
"Unveiling the evolutionary and functional impact of genomic structural variants of Atlantic salmon"  

6.2021 Kristina gave a great presentation at the Ph.D. midterm assessment seminar!

6.2021 We are going to organize  Japan-Norway Symposium on Fish Endocrinology and Genomics (6/14-15) !!

5.2021 [closed] We are hiring a Ph.D. student in genome bioinformatics!! Apply by May 23rd!

5.2021 Marie and her colleague, Guro got funding to conduct preliminary research to investigate the functional effects of structural variants of Atlantic salmon. 

4.2021 Marie got interviewed by the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Nordic branch. 

3.2021 We will be recruiting a Ph.D. candidate (fully funded) about "Unveiling the evolutionary and functional impact of genomic structural variants of Atlantic salmon" soon!!

2.2021 Started working with a MSc student, Anna. She is interested in genomics and bioinformatics.

1.2021 Marie is selected for The NMBU Talent Development Programme 2.0. and going to receive funding, NOK 150K per year for two years, 2021-2022.

1.2021 Started working with a Ph.D. candidate, Kristina. She is investigating the structural variants of Atlantic salmon with long-read sequences.

11.2020 Saitou lab is opening!