Sachi Goel

My name is Sachi Goel, I am 15-years old and an incoming sophomore in high school. I am an athlete as well as a board member in an organization for female empowerment called Etrê, and am also the member of a council called EIT, for equity and inclusion. I have a side passion for photography and have earned many awards with the community service I do thorough Girl Scouts. I am looking forward to expand my understanding in the field of STEM and am looking for future opportunities aligning with my passions. Because of my love for STEM, I joined Athena Racing, a STEM education club for girls in 6th-12th grade who are interested in exploring STEM careers. By being incorporated in the program I have been able to design liveries, race cars through simulators, as well as talk to fantastic influential figures in the car racing industry. Athena Racing has provided me with an amazing platform to grow and flourish, and I am so excited to be here talking to you.