
Mark's Story

Like so many of us, my life changed in an instant after a silly accident at work. Initially I was told I would make a full recovery, with concussion a common outcome after a blow to the head. In the following weeks, however, I found myself getting worse as I experienced symptoms including severe headaches, dizziness, memory issues and confusion. I didn’t understand what was happening to me.

More tests were carried out and a diagnosis given. As I didn’t fully understand it I went into full denial mode – there was nothing wrong with me!!! But deep down, I knew I was struggling.

The problem with head injuries is that they are invisible – “You look OK to me,” is something I heard time and time again – but I wasn’t OK, and I was realising this more and more. I wasn’t the same person now and that admission was frightening, very frightening. I knew I had to ask for help and the first step was a very emotional visit to my GP. I started to see a clinical psychologist and slowly began to accept the new me, a person who can’t go into busy noisy places, who forgets things and gets easily confused, and finds it hard to focus and concentrate like I used to. I went to see other specialists who helped me better understand my limitations, but more importantly how to develop strategies to overcome and manage them better.

The futures is looking bright for me, very different than how I’d planned it, but bright all the same. After realising I could no longer do my role at work I left, and my days are now filled with my first love – art. Mark You can now find my work in a few galleries in Perth and a couple of boutique gift stores. I’ve also started picture framing.

Is this the life I had planned? No, but it’s a good life filled with joy and love

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