
Cam's Story

“The glass is half full,

never half empty.”

I was involved in an incident which I am unable to recall on either the 6th or 7th of August 2020 which resulted in a traumatic brain injury. I was admitted to Royal Perth Hospital where I underwent various assessments and scans and was diagnosed with a left temporal lobe contusion, right intracranial haemorrhage and sub arachnoid haemorrhage. This resulted in me experiencing ongoing right sided deficits characterised by ataxia and hemisensory impairment.

I was transferred to Fiona Stanley Hospital SRS ward B to begin my rehabilitation journey. During this time, I engaged in:

speech therapy to improve the clarity of my speech

occupational therapy to improve decreased sensation on my right side and cognitive rehabilitation

physiotherapy, including hydrotherapy in the pool, where I worked on improving my mobility

I owe all my rehabilitation gains to Dr Tang and Dr Emery and their fantastic teams.

I am now honoured to be the first volunteer on SRS wards A and B where I impart my lived experience knowledge to help instil hope in patients embarking on their own rehabilitation journey.

Thank you, team. I am forever indebted to you, what you have done for me will never be forgotten.

Contact Details

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