
This section contains music content produced by ABI survivors

Music By Frederick

A collaboration with Marion Thomas who lives in Canada and she recorded the words using her IPhone 13 Pro. I find this very inspirational. It contains some Baha'i writings from Abdul-Baha

An improvisation of the Band I used to have "Hollow Reed" with the gentleman Paul Pearlman reading a selection from the seven valleys over the top of it. The Seven Valleys and the Four Valleys is a book written by Baha'u'llah

A composition I created on a 140-year-old Piano in 2019. I find this very potent at creating Alpha Brain waves for relaxation and sleep. A playlist I am currently using for sleep.

Spotify Version

Psychedelic Sleep

About the Artist

Sufy (Frederick Bertram) is an ambient musician and designer, developer of drone synth and synthesiser app for android devices.  He enjoys playing guitar, flute and synth.  He has worked as a software engineer in the past.