


Also Known As:

  • Soukou Akki Muramasa

  • Full Metal Daemon Muramasa (Official English title)

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"Muramasa is a giant essay on violence, murder, conflict, and the way of the sword. The main theme can be summed by 4 characters "善悪相殺(Zenaku Sousatsu)." Its literal meaning is "killing both good and evil." It has several meanings which were explored very thoroughly in 3 different routes:

1) Hero Route: Good/evil is just a matter of perspective. Everyone is just fighting for what they believe in, so when you kill someone you are killing both a good and evil person depending on the perspective. There is no such thing as a just hero who kill villains. It's really just villains killing other villains for whatever they believe in.

2) Revenge Route(official translation is Nemesis Route): Those who kill should be prepared to be killed or have people they care about killed. Very simple, but still powerful theme. This is a continuation of the previous theme as well: even if you are killing for the greater good, you are still committing evil. There is no such thing as a just hero who kills villains.

3) Maou Route/Conquest Route: This is the core of the theme: the way of the sword(or really any weapon of murder) is about killing people. It does not care whether that person is good or evil, but only about killing people as efficiently as possible. In simplest terms, it means killing does not care about good and evil."

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