Also Known As:

  • CC

  • クロスチャンネル

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User Opinions


"This is a game that you read for the prose. Every sentence has a purpose and serves to support the entire story. The main theme of the game is simply about the connections between people and solitude. How does your relationship with other people affect one as a person? How does solitude affect one as a person? What makes it good is a combination of the prose and Romeo's understanding of the human psyche covering a lot of complex topics such as Escapism, overdependence, Avoidant Personality Disorder, PTSD, and a bunch of other stuff."


"This is perhaps the worst "translated" VN to read in English, and this will become apparent immediately to any bilingual who has read even a few lines of text in Japanese. Tanaka Romeo shows off his mastery of the Japanese language to great effect, making the text incredibly engaging to read. This does wonders for the pacing of the novel; you should never be bored at any point along the way. As a result, however, this novel requires an extremely high level of Japanese to read comfortably, as well as not coming off well in any other language at all. "Cross†Channel - Reprint Edition" is the recommended release for this novel, as later releases have cropped visuals and new content that was written by some other guy, with the 18+ content written by Romeo removed (yes, even in vanilla H-scenes Romeo's prose is excellent)."

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