Articulate Your Career Objectives

Be prepared with an elevator pitch. You never know who you might meet and when. Visit career or company websites and take a look at the descriptions of jobs that appeal to you. The skills they list are the ones you will want to develop. Work with Career Management to develop a viable elevator pitch.

Update Your Resume

Please work with Career Management to make sure your resume and cover letter are updated.

Network, Network, Network

Establish a network of contacts who work in your field of interest. Request informational interviews (in person or by phone) with people who are currently working in the type of jobs you'd like to secure. Prior to speaking with a contact in the field, prepare by doing research about the company and larger industry. Have specific questions ready. Don't be a nuisance, but do keep in touch with your contacts (at least once a year) by sending them a brief, professional update via email.

Keep Your Public Information Professional

If you have a Facebook account, personal website, or other information posted online, make certain that it markets you appropriately. Increasingly, employers search Google and Facebook for the profiles of potential employees. Building a positive virtual presence is essential. Manage your privacy settings so you display only the information you are comfortable making public.


Dean R. Vera

Assistant Dean and Director

(973) 353-1659

Melinda M. Lawson

Assistant Director

(973) 353-1401

OCM Part-Time Orientation Letter 11-6-18.doc
CAMP Part-Time MBA Form - NK NB 11-6-18_3.ppt