Commencement Information

  • The Graduation ceremony are only held in May. If you are a October or January graduate, you are invited to participate in the May ceremonies. But attendance to both ceremonies are optional.
  • If you're planning to walk at the graduation ceremonies (whether you are a October, January, or May graduate), you have to apply for graduation and select this option.

Graduate Rutgers Business School Celebration

  • For the date and time of the ceremony, check the Graduation website.
  • At this ceremony, each student will walk across the stage to have their name announced as a graduate
  • Students should purchase their regalia from the bookstore by March 15th.

  • Commencement is typically held on a Friday afternoon.
  • Each student will be provided 2 guest tickets. Information can be found on the link above. Students must check their email about ticket information. Students must fill out all surveys before picking up their tickets.


  • Here is a useful E-how article that may help you figure out what to wear under your cap and gown. You should wear cocktail dresses, slacks/skirt, and a blouse/nice shirt. Avoid wearing jeans and t-shirts.
  • Keep in mind the gown is black so you don't need to worry about certain colors showing through.
  • No one will see what you are wearing under your cap and gown during the ceremony. What you wear underneath will be most relevant before and after the ceremony. When in doubt, ask your parents/guardians what they want to see you wearing for the slew of family pictures.


  • The graduate RBS Commencement is held at NJPac, around mid-May, rain or shine.
      • As it gets closer to the date, keep an eye on the weather and come prepared for inclement weather.

Ticket Information

  • Tickets will be distributed by the Office of MBA Student Services. An email will be sent out to all graduates in mid-April about ticket information. There is no need to reach out to the office prior to this date.
      • Important Note: Because of the limited space at NJPac, students are only allowed 2 tickets in total . There is NO guarantee that you will be able to receive additional guest tickets from the university. If you anticipate needing more guest tickets, pay attention to the information provided for requesting additional tickets AND start coordinating with your peers to see if anyone has extra tickets they will not be using.