Royston Allotments & Gardens Association

RAGA acts in the interests of Royston allotment plot holders (including non-members and those on the waiting list).

Royston Allotments

Royston, Hertfordshire, has only one Allotment site, owned and managed by Royston Town Council. It is a Statutory Allotment site which means that it cannot be sold for development without the consent of the Secretary of State.

If you are interested in obtaining a plot on the site you should contact the Council on 01763 245484. Be aware that there is currently a long waiting list (about 3-5 years) so you should record your interest early and be prepared to be patient!

Royston Allotments & Garden Association - RAGA

Membership of RAGA is primarily for plot holders, but others are more than welcome to join and we have several 'Garden' Members. All members may make use of our shop and various seed schemes that we organise. You may like to visit us at our AGM - held each year in September.

Our shop that is open from 11am to 11.30am every Sunday during the summer (and at peak times whenever the flag is flying). In the shop we aim to provide good quality materials at cheap prices for the benefit of our members. Our seed ordering scheme, using King's seeds, has been in operation for very many years and enables members to buy their seeds and other sundry items at very reasonable prices for delivery to the site! We also have special arrangements for the ordering of Onion Sets and Potato Seed in the Autumn for delivery the following February.

Each year we hold an Open Day so that anybody that is interested in allotments and gardening can visit us and see what we do on the site. This is normally on the Second Sunday in August.

We have an annual outing, such as visiting Barnsdale Gardens, the gardens set up by Geoff Hamilton. 

Membership costs £5 each year and our year starts on the 1st August. If you are interested please call in at the shop one Sunday morning to have a look around and to pick up a form, or you can print this online form.

Any Questions?

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