Hair Transplant in Dubai & UAE At Royal Clinic
The normal density of the scalp is between 70 and 100 follicular units per square centimetre. Depending on the patient's hair density, performing 35-50 hair follicle transplant units per square centimeter provides sufficient hair density. While some people need fewer drives, others need a denser graft.
What must be done in order to fit as many units into each square inch as possible is to perform the tightest channel opening procedure. The narrower root canal opening is secured by a lateral micro incision.Grooving knives with a thickness of 0.02 mm deliver the best results here. It is a technique that allows to place from 40 to 90 bellows on each square centimeter.
During the preparation of follicular units, excess skin and tissue around the hair follicles is cleaned & Hair Transplant in Dubai . The grafts obtained can be placed very close together in the canals in the form of open micro-incisions.
The lateral split technique can be used here. In the lateral (coronary) fissure technique, the thin scalpel used to open the canals is specially prepared for the thickness of the hair, the graft and the planned operation. This method opens the canals at much smaller angles than other methods. Especially for people with thin skin, it is an advantage if the temple area is transplanted. Thanks to these scalpels it is possible to imitate the natural angle of hairs one by one.
Especially in the hairline, it has great advantages for the naturalness of the line. Also with this technique, by adapting the depth of the channels opened by these special biscuits to the length of the prepared grafts, there is no risk of deep opening of the channels. And that takes us away from the abilities of other materials, which can open much deeper channels and damage tiny surface veins.
Since the grafts press against each other less than with the other (sagittal) method, this offers the possibility of tight stacking. In this way, the smallest possible grafts are transplanted into the open canals.Because the canals are small, healing is rapid; Scars or deformities do not remain in the skin. Depending on the hair density in the person's donor area, 2000 to 3000 grafts can be transplanted in a single FUT session. At the end of the procedure, a 1.5-2mm thick scar will remain on the neck.