Hair Transplant in Dubai & UAE 

Firstly, you will be very lucky to undergo FUE hair transplant  is worth finding out if this treatment is right for you or not. Here is a list of features to consider before the procedure:

Donor Hair Delivery – Unlike FUT Hair Transplant, you can opt for a follicular unit extraction from even if you don't have enough donor hair on your scalp. With FUE, hair can be removed anywhere on the body and implanted on the scalp. Return message.

Scalp Elasticity – Unlike other hair restoration techniques, you can still have a hair follicle transplant even if your scalp is not saggy enough.

Facial Hair Transplant – If you want a more masculine look, FUE is the best technique to have a mustache

FUE Transplant Results:

hair transplant results are absolutely spectacular. You rebuild your hair without losing a long recovery period and linear scarring.You will lose your hair after one month of Hair Transplant in Dubai & UAE . Don't worry as this is a temporary side effect known as shock leakage. In three months your hair will grow back and you can revive full hair in six months. The transplanted hair looks as natural as your real hair and stays on your scalp for a lifetime. The transplanted hair continues to grow like normal hair.This is the best option to cure baldness and regain self-confidence


Best FUE Treatment 

hair restoration assistance.

Helps you avoid linear anxiety.

Ensures maximum results with minimum downtime.

FUE Hair Transplant Techniques:

There are two main techniques used in FUE hair treatment

Manual FUE – Allows the surgeon to manually remove the hairs one by one

Motorized FUE – Allows for rapid hair extraction

Preoperative Care :

Preoperative care is an important aspect of hair restoration surgery.Here is a list of general precautions to follow before surgery:

Don't take any blood thinners for at least two weeks before FUE

Quit smoking at least a month before surgery

Quit a few weeks before surgery, Drinking alcohol

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